Toolbox – The Nuts and Bolts of Creating an Inter-Domain Course


Inter-Domain courses each demonstrate how two ways of understanding the world speak to one another and how knowledge in one area relates to knowledge in another. Inter-Domain courses are each approved for two General Education areas and demonstrate consistently how knowledge is integrated across these two areas.  Pennsylvania State University (n.d.). INTEGRATIVE STUDIES. INTEGRATIVE STUDIES.

The impact of general education, inter-domain studies is long and well established.  The creation of such courses requires a skill set beyond the creation of their single domain counterparts.  One focus of of The Reflection Project was to compile a list of resources that would assist with the creation of interdomain courses with specifc emphasis on embedding the performing arts in meaningful and robust ways.

This Toolbox is organized by type of resouce.

Publications and Other Resources
Summary of Faculty Experiences
Penn State University Resources
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging and Accessibility Resources
Presenting Organizations