Cutting the Ribbon

Posted by on March 7, 2013 in Uncategorized | 1 comment

Today, we commissioned the solar array project!

Commissioning is like cutting-the-ribbon-at-city-hall sort of thing. It has a tender, gratifying feeling to it. We all get to see our finished product, and inevitably, a wave of pride washes over us. Thinking back, most of us only considered the big picture: solar-powering a daycare; but, now that we have successfully learned how to ‘cross our t’s, and dot our i’s’, in terms of all the detail we had plan, prepare, and execute, our prespective is now more knowledgable – and I think I can honestly speak for everyone, in that, we have a new appreciation for what hardware engineers, contractors, and commissioners do! I believe that the engineer, or the electrical engineer will design the circuit work that goes inside the inverters and solar panels, and the contractor does all the hardware and outdoor measurements, and callibrations. That was pretty cool – the whole project was very cool!! Learning about  what the engineer is responsible for and what the contractor is responsible for is quite interesting; responsibilities differ so much, yet there must be a collaborative effort, like the bachata dance.

While we were at the daycare, I got to interact with some of the children. Now, these kids are 5 years and younger, so when I first entered the play-place, I was wearing a headband, and like you might’ve guessed, after I left, my headband was no where to be found, haha. Nice playing at the beginning, we were just playing in the kitchen area, all the kids were enthused to offer to me what they cooked on their plastic stove top – they are all so hospitable. Then that nice-play eventually turned into me getting playfully attacked with the stuffed animals they had. Hahaha, it was a fun time, and I wish life could be as innocent and playful as how these kids make it seem. I miss those days – the only difficulties from that time were things like: “Oh no, my shoe-laces are untide!” or “Oh no, recess ended a minute early” or “Tommy, took my toy” – what a life!

1 Comment

  1. congrats!!

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