WANTED: Broccoli Lovers

According to Men’s Fitness, broccoli is the second most hated food in America.2579890315_b942ef67e0_z The truth is, if you can learn to like broccoli, the benefits will be everlasting. It is
time to start getting over your fear of the broccoli and realize all of its wonderful benefits.

Why eat it
Broccoli is very inexpensive, which makes it an even better vegetable choice. It is a good sources of the Vitamins C, K and A and is high in fiber, selenium, potassium and Folate. These nutrients play extremely important roles in the body such as building collagen, promoting good digestive health and a healthy heart along with maintaining the health of new cells. Broccoli has also been shown to promote healthy, glowing skin.

Make it tasty
There are many foods and recipes that broccoli can be added to. Sneaking broccoli into your favorite foods is an easy  way to eat the vegetable, even if you really despise it. Add broccoli to your omelet in the morning for an energy boost or in a baked quiche. You can dip broccoli in hummus, vegetable dip, peanut butter or even yogurt for a fun and healthy snack. Eating vegetables as a snack instead of chips or other packaged snack foods is a great way to get an extra serving of vegetables into your diet. Check out the Penn State Dining Commons for broccoli in recipes such as garlic roasted broccoli, beef and broccoli stir fry, chicken and broccoli stir fry and broccoli soup! For dinner, try roasting broccoli with Parmesan cheese and olive oil or lemon juice. This will give broccoli the extra flavor you desire and may help you to love this side dish. Another tip is to throw broccoli in your salad or in your main meal. For instance, adding broccoli to a beef stir fry or adding it in a pan with chicken, mushrooms and some seasoning are common ways to enjoy the vegetable. You can even add broccoli to your rice and beans or pasta dish for an extra crunch. Give broccoli a second chance and try these exciting ways to incorporate it into your diet. Getting 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day is recommended for a healthier life. If you can manage this, your body will thank you. 


“10 Healthy Foods We Love to Hate.” Men’s Fitness. Web. 1 June 2015. http://www.mensfitness.com/nutrition/what-to-eat/10-healthy-foods-we-love-hate
“Health Benefits of Broccoli.” Healthy Eating. Web. 1 June 2015. http://www.healthyeating.org/Healthy-Eating/All-Star-Foods/Vegetables/Article-Viewer/Article/91/Health-Benefits-of-Broccoli.aspx
“Health Benefits of Broccoli: Nutritional Value Beyond Vitamins.” Heal with Food. Web. 1 June 2015. http://www.healwithfood.org/health-benefits/broccoli-nutritional.php
Photo adapted from: https://www.flickr.com/photos/ykjc9/

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