Eat to Live or Live to Eat?

Do you eat to live or live to eat? You might have been asked this question before and even though many people have strong opinions about the answer, they both may not be right. Your body needs fuel to survive and function properly however, eating should be an enjoyable experience. With the busy lives we live, many people forget that eating can be a social event where you relax and spend time with people you enjoy. To help us remember this, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics is reminding us to Savor the Flavor during this year’s National Nutrition Month®

The simple phrase, Savor the Flavor, reminds us to enjoy our food and appreciate all of the culture and entertainment value that comes along with it. Many important events revolve around meals. For example, wedding receptions, Thanksgiving, and family reunions. Meals at these big events don’t have to be the only memorable ones though. Dinner with your friends is just as important to your health as the fancy meal you had at your friend’s wedding. Maybe you have been in a situation where homework trumps dinner and you end up eating a whole bag of chips instead of a complete meal. In these situations, taking the time to go eat with your friends not only ensures that you’ll get a more balanced meal, which can help you study better, but is also an opportunity to create memories. Setting time aside to eat with friends or by yourself helps you develop mindful eating patterns.

The concept of mindful eating includes paying attention to the moment when you are eating. When you are mindful, you think about not only what but why, where, and how you are eating. In an interview with Today’s Dietitian, Michelle May, MD says that mindful eating helps individuals become aware of their actions and this awareness can help change their behavior. This concept is represented in the “Am I Hungry?” Mindful Eating Cycle from her book Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat.030413p42_clip_image002

Before you reach for that bag of chips, ask yourself “Why am I eating?” Are you bored or are you truly hungry? If you are bored, try chewing gum or switch to a new activity. If you are hungry, it may be a better decision to grab some friends and go enjoy a meal at the dining commons instead of grabbing that bag of chips. The next step is to ask yourself “When do I want to eat?” The answer may depend on when class is over, if you are hungry, or how you are feeling emotionally. Now is when you decide what to eat and this can depend on if you’d like something sweet or savory, or what is available. After you decide what you will eat, you ask yourself “How do I eat?” This step is very important in order savor the flavor of your food. The key to this step is slowing down.  Smell your food before eating. Smell is a crucial component of taste and taking the time to smell your food will enhance the flavors when you begin eating. When you’re eating, chew slowly and completely. This will allow you to take in all of the flavors your meal has to offer. Choosing to slow down when you eat will also help you notice satiety cues and can reduce over eating. This leads into the next question“How much?” and then “Where is the energy is going?”

food-salad-restaurant-person (2)This may feel like a long process to complete every time you choose to eat but being mindful and aware of your actions will help you choose more nutritionally beneficial foods and enjoy your meals more. When you are aware of your actions you can appreciate your food and environment more. For example, when you go out to a special dinner you are naturally much more aware of the flavors in the food than when you eat while doing homework. Mindfulness extends this appreciation of flavors and environment to all of your meals.


Next time you’re sitting down to eat, whether it be a snack or a special meal, remember to savor the flavor and enjoy what you are eating.




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