The How to Guide of Healthy Snacking


According to a 2014 Nielson Global Snacking Survey, snacking has become a $374 billion global industry, and continues to grow about 2 percent annually in North America.  91 percent of consumers said they snack at least once a day, and 21 percent snacked three to four times a day. “So what,” you ask, “snacking can be part of a balanced diet!” Well, here’s the catch; when you google the word snack, the first images that pop up are pictures of potato chips, pretzels, cookies, and candy bars. According to the survey, the top four snack foods in North America are potato chips, chocolate, cheese, and cookies, respectively. To top it all off, 45 percent of global consumers replace meals with a snack food.

Seeing any issues?

Let’s backtrack for a moment. The Merriam-Webster dictionary definition of a snack is “a small amount of food eaten between meals,” and this is exactly what a snack is supposed to be!  With the high demand for on-the-go and convenient options, the definition of “snacking” is becoming distorted. Here is a quick guide to healthy snacking to help you avoid the trap:


As long as you follow these guidelines, snacking is a go! If you’re looking for healthy snack options while on campus, look no further than Penn State’s on-campus convenience stores. Nutritious, grab-n-go snack options, such as fruit and cheese, yogurt and granola parfaits, unsalted nuts, and trail mix are just as far as your local dining commons. So on your way to or from your next class, meeting, or workout, be sure to grab some good-for-you snacks.  Go ahead and get eating!

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