Meatless Mondays: Vitamin C and Iron


Welcome back to the third installment of our Meatless Monday blog series!  Today’ we’re focusing on two nutrients: Vitamin C and Iron and why it’s especially important if you are following a vegetarian or vegan diet to include sources of both in your meals.

What’s so important about iron, you ask? Well, iron is an essential mineral that aids in transporting oxygen to your cells which is important for energy and keeping your red blood cells healthy!

Not all iron is created equal, however. There are two types: known as Heme and non-heme iron. Heme iron comes from animal sources, like meats, fish, chicken and eggs, and is more readily absorbed by the body. Non-heme iron comes from primarily plants, and is less-readily absorbed, making it all the more important to obtain enough if following a plant-based diet. How can you ensure your body is getting the iron it needs?  

That’s where vitamin C comes into play!  Vitamin C serves the role as your helper in absorbing non-heme iron, but how?

Although heme iron is more readily available and absorbed, you can meet your daily recommended intake through consumption of non-heme in plants.

That’s where vitamin C comes in to play the role as your helper in absorbing non-heme iron.

Vitamin C, when consumed at the same time as iron, bonds to iron to form a new compound that your body absorbs more easily.

Not to forget, Vitamin C has other benefits as well such as protecting your immune system, growth and development of tissues, and bone health.

But what are some examples of iron and Vitamin C?

Some meatless sources of iron include fortified cereals, beans, spinach and lentils, tofu. Vitamin C sources include vegetables such as cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, sweet peppers, tomatoes, Brussels sprouts, and potatoes. As well as, fruit and fruit juices like citrus and strawberries.

Use your creativity and taste preferences to make healthy combos and increase your iron absorption throughout your day.

Here are some ideas to get you started:

Breakfast: Iron-fortified cereal with fresh cut strawberries

Lunch: Tofu stir-fry (tofu, mixed veggies, rice, seasonings)

Snack: Hummus eaten with carrot sticks

Dinner: Pasta primavera (spaghetti fortified with iron, red sauce, and veggies of choice)

That’s all for today! Check back next Sunday for more Meatless Monday motivation!

Considering making the transition to a Vegetarian or Vegan lifestyle? Follow the Vegetarian Club at PSU for more info!

Ig: @psuvegclub

Facebook: Penn State Vegetarian Club

And follow Vegetarian and Vegan Dining at Penn State on Facebook!

References :

  1. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 73, Issue 1, 1 January 2001, Pages 93–98,

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