Worried About Workouts?

We wanted to dedicate this final week of National Nutrition Month to providing important information about working out!

Diet + Exercise = Results

Whether you want to lose or gain weight, maintain your current weight, train for a sport, or just want an overall long-term healthy lifestyle, having a diet and exercise plan that is tailored to your goals is key. The phrase “you cannot outwork an unhealthy diet” is actually true; trying to do so may leave you feeling like you aren’t making much progress. On the other hand, focusing solely on diet without any exercise may also not give you the results you are looking for in terms of being strong or toned. A healthy balance of the two will keep you living longer with a higher quality of life.


For healthy adults, it’s recommended to get at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity per week or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity per week or a combination of both. This is the minimum amount of exercise that research has shown to promote health and ward off disease. Here are 3 tips to help you reach and surpass this minimum requirement. Here is a physical activity guide from health.gov

Do activities you already like!

We all have things we like to do whether its dancing, biking, walking, swimming etc. These all count towards this time and it won’t even feel like you are working out because you’ll be having fun! Not only will you become better and more efficient at your favorite activity, you may also find yourself incorporating other activities as you improve your fitness.

Keep the workout simple

The vast majority of people are not trying to become world class power lifters or professional athletes, so your workouts don’t have to be super complicated. The gym can definitely be intimidating and even dangerous if you don’t use equipment properly. Pick two or three simple exercises per area of focus and as you get better you can add more weight/resistance or do variations of a similar exercise. If a gym isn’t readily available, body weight exercises that require little to no equipment are just as effective! Remember, consistency is key! Here is a beginners guide to exercise.

Consult an expert

Whether it’s to get you started on the path to health and fitness or finding ways to better what you already do, reaching out to a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist can help you understand your body’s needs and help you reach your goals.There is free individual consulting available on campus for students here.


Living a healthy lifestyle doesn’t need to be overly complicated, but it does require some research, motivation, and the persistence to continue to do so even when you don’t feel like it. It’s all about living a longer and higher quality of life by avoiding preventative diseases through proper diet and exercise.

Expert advice + Healthy Diet + Ample Exercise = Higher Quality Living