Category Archives: Weekly Health Tips

More Herbs, Less Salt!

August 29th is More Herbs, Less Salt Day! This week, focus on eating flavorful meals that won’t break the bank with sodium content.


Too Much Sodium

According to the American Heart Association, consuming too much sodium puts an extra burden on your heart and blood vessels by causing water retention. If you consistently eat a diet high in salt, you may develop high blood pressure and ultimately suffer from heart disease or a stroke.

The “Salty 6”

The “Salty 6” are foods that contribute the most to your sodium intake. They include:

  • Bread and rolls
  • Cold cuts and cured meats
  • Pizza
  • Poultry
  • Soup
  • Sandwiches

What Can I do?

Limit over-consumption of sodium-rich foods, and season meals with herbs and spices rather than salt. Opt for low-sodium deli meats and soups whenever possible, and replace packaged foods with whole ones such as fresh fruits and vegetables! Monitor your sodium intake, and aim to consume no more than 2,300 mg per day.

When dining on a Penn State campus, review the sodium content for your favorite foods by using the online menu. For an easy reference, look for the RHEAL Carrot Icon on the entree cards or online menu to find out which foods are lower-sodium choices. 

Try a new herb or spice this week…you never know what aromatic flavor you might discover!


“Why Should I Limit Sodium?” The American Heart Association, 2015.

Resources for Dining on Campus

New to Penn State this Fall? Check out some of the helpful resources we have for dining on campus! Whether you have a dietary restriction or are just looking for a healthy way to avoid the Freshman 15, Campus Dining is here to help.

Do you have a food allergy or intolerance?

Check out the entrée cards displayed by each menu item in the dining commons. They will tell you if the food contains one or more of the 8 most common allergens. You can also access the menu online to view the daily offerings and uncover allergen information for individual items. Finally, send a quick email to our Campus Dining nutrition team (, who can offer individual assistance and support in finding safe options for your specific dietary restrictions. 

Do you follow a Vegan or Vegetarian diet?

We offer a wide variety of vegetarian and vegan options on campus ranging from cauliflower Buffalo wings to vegetarian tikka masala! Simply look for the meatless and vegan symbols on the entree cards and online menu for help finding them! Some dining locations may also offer additional options like vegan yogurts, soy milk, almond milk, or veggie burgers.

If you’re at the University Park campus, consider attending a Vegetarian Advisory Board meeting to provide input and suggestions about our current vegan and vegetarian options. Follow the “Penn State Vegetarian Advisory Board” on Facebook for more information, meeting reminders and updates! If you’re at another Penn State campus, consider bringing your concerns to a Food Advisory Board (FAB) meeting. Visit your campus Housing and Food Services website for details!

Interested in eating healthy?

Download the Dining@PSU app in the App Store to view menus for the dining commons and pull up nutrition facts for all food items! Look for the “RHEAL” carrot symbol on the entrée cards and online menu to find healthy foods that meet the RHEAL (Residential Healthy Eating and Living) standards for calories, saturated fat, and sodium content.