Tag Archives: dining commons

Sustainable Eating

Okay, so you may be wondering what it means to have a “sustainable diet”?

In the most basic sense, a sustainable diet is one which has a low environmental impact, and that contributes to food and nutritional security.  Additionally, it aims to create and sustain healthy lives for present and future generations.

But, how can you do this while living on or off campus?

The answers are simpler than you  may think!

1. Prioritize Plants:

USDA’s MyPlate suggests filling half your plate with vegetables and fruits as part of an optimal diet, but planning our meals around product benefits the planet as well.  Shifting to a more plant-based way of eating will help reduce freshwater withdrawals and deforestation.  Think of this as a win-win for both our personal health and the environment.

2. Minimize Meat

MyPlate suggests reducing red meat, and now there’s another reason to treat it more as a condiment than a main dish.  Meat production is a substantial contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, especially beef production.  Transporting and raising livestock also requires more food, water, land, and energy than plants.  To eat for our own health as well as that of the planet, we should consider picking non-meat proteins such as nuts and legumes.

3. Select New Seafood

Fish can be a healthy choice if part of an overall healthy dietary style, but some species are at risk of being over fished, or produced in ways that harm the marine environment.  If your go-to variety of fish is on the “avoid” list, consider trying some new seafood.  The “Avoid’ and “Alternative” visual can be seen below.

Seafood to limit Alternative Reason for Alternative
Atlantic Salmon Pacific Salmon ·         Similar flavor profile

·         Remains rich in fatty acids

·         Requires less fish feed

Swordfish Mahi Mahi ·         Similar “meat” flavor

·         Smaller and healthier

Wild-Caught Sea Scallops Farmed Shellfish ·         Harvesting in ocean disrupts natural habitat

·         Farmed shellfish can be harvested sustainably

King Crab Blue Crab or Stone Crab ·         Typically come from well-managed fisheries in the US

·         Seafood sourced close is more sustainable

4. Look Local

Exploring farmers’ markets helps you find fresh produce grown locally, but equally important, you can meet the people who produce your food.  During the academic year, there are many farmers’ markets that take in downtown State College.  What could be better than walking downtown with some friends and finding some cheap fruits, vegetables, and locally -made baked goods?  Keep in mind, many of these markets are cash only!  Additionally, Penn State has its own student-run farm, which provides produce to many of the dining halls of campus, as well as a few businesses downtown.  Keep an eye out for events in the dining commons featuring this produce!   These are great opportunities for education: you can learn how your food was grown, when it was harvested, and event how to prepare it.

5. Eat Mindfully

One of the simplest things you can do to eat more sustainably is to practice mindful eating.  Focusing o what you’re eating allows you to reflect on where your food came from and how it is nourishing your body.  Additionally, by tuning in to your hunger signals you may learn that you don’t need as much food as you thought, and resize your meals accordingly.  by paying more attention to how we eat and thinking about the “bigger picture”, we may alter our food consumption and reduce food waste, as well as become encouraged to seek out more sustainable food sources.  These are no changes that need to be implemented all at once.  Rather, one should take their time and make small, but impactful choices  about what they are consuming.

So now that we know that sustainable eating is beneficial for so many reasons, how can you incorporate it into your diet?

Visit this link to learn more about what “sustainable eating” entails

By: Emmy Sikora




If you’re wondering what the secret code for a understanding a nutrition label is, then you are not alone. A 2003 study conducted by the International Food Information Council found that 83% of consumers looked at ingredients or nutrition information “at least sometimes.” Many people are aware of the type of information found on a nutrition label, but find it much too confusing to help with everyday life.

How can we break the code? The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has provided a simple way for breaking down the nutrition label. Here are some steps you can follow that are adapted from the information provided on the FDA website. Let’s start from the top…literally.


labels2  Serving size is the first section you will find on the Nutrition Facts label. The serving size is a standardized amount of a food used to help consumers gauge how much they should be eating at one time and to help make comparing similar foods easy. The serving size will be listed in familiar household measurements, such as cups, ounces or grams. The number of calories and all of the nutrients listed below are based off of the serving size. Pay attention to how many servings you are consuming! If you eat twice the amount of the serving size, then you are eating twice the amount of calories and nutrients. You can use the ‘Servings Per Container’ feature to figure out how many total servings are in the entire container. This can help you to better determine how many of those servings you are going to be eating yourself and serve as a helpful tool when planning meals for your family or friends.

labels3Calories are found right underneath the serving size. Your body is in need of a certain amount of calories or energy depending on factors such as your age, height, weight and how active you are. There are various calculators available online, such as SuperTracker, that can help give you an estimate of your own energy and nutrient needs. Most nutrition labels are based off of a 2,000 calorie diet, which will be explained more in step 3. The ‘Calories’ listed on the nutrition label will tell you how much energy you are getting from one serving of the food. ‘Calories from Fat’ will tell you how many calories per serving come from fat. In this example, 70 out of 170 total calories come from fat.

labels4% Daily Value (%DV) is a small but important feature! These are percentages of the recommended amounts of nutrients you need to get through a day of classes and feel great. Daily Value recommendations are based off a 2,000 calorie diet to help quantify how much of a nutrient you are getting in one serving and how that impacts your individual needs for that day. For example, if you have just one serving from the nutrient label above, you get 12% of your total fat recommended for the day, and 0% of the daily recommendation for Vitamin A. Your calorie needs may be more or less than 2,000, but you can still use the %DV to see if a food is low or high in a certain nutrient. The FDA provides a quick guide for using %DV’s to help meet your nutrient needs regardless of how many calories you should be consuming:

  • 5% DV or less is low
  • 20% DV or more is high

The %DV should be high or low for different nutrients in order to be good for you. This will be discussed more in the paragraphs below. You can use the %DV to vary your meals and get more nutrients in your day!  Use these percentages to compare one product or brand to another similar product. Notice that the %DV is not listed for trans fat or sugar. This is because there are currently no target recommendations set for these nutrients. A %DV  for protein is only present on the label if the manufacturer has made a claim, such as “high in protein.”

Nutrients to limit 
include fat, saturated fat, trans fat, and sodium. These are nutrients that we don’t have problems eating enough of, and often eat too much. Eating too much of them increases the risk of developing chronic diseases like heart disease, high blood pressure and certain cancers. These nutrients should have a lower %DV (5% or less).

Nutrients to strive for
 include dietary fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium and iron.  Eating enough of these nutrients on a daily basis will reduce the risk for developing chronic diseases, promote healthy digestion and give your brain and body energy to function at its best. Adding fruits, vegetables and whole grain products to your diet is a sure way to meet your needs of those particular nutrients. These nutrients should have a higher %DV (20% or more).

The Nutrition Label has labels9been decoded! However, reading a label is a skill that needs to be practiced. Try going through these steps with a couple of labels the next time you go grocery shopping, reach for a snack at home, or when looking for snacks in one of the on-campus convenience stores! The purpose of a nutrition facts label is to inform you of what is in a food so you can choose what is best for you, and obtain more of the nutrients that you need. The more you investigate labels, the more familiar you will be with the key points, and reading labels will not be so time consuming! When dining on campus at Penn State,  you can look for entrée cards provided for each menu item, which will list the serving size and calorie information. For full nutrition information, simply access the online menus and click on the ‘Nutrition’ button. 

The nutrition label can be a simple tool to a healthier you! 



Borra, Susan. “Consumer Perspectives on Food Labels.” The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (n.d.): n. pag. May 2006. Web. 06 July 2015. <http://ajcn.nutrition.org/content/83/5/1235S.full#sec-4>.

“How to Understand and Use the Nutrition Facts Label.” U.S. Food and Drug Administration. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 July 2015. <http://www.fda.gov/Food/IngredientsPackagingLabeling/LabelingNutrition/ucm274593.htm#overview>.


Photos adapted from: U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. Department of Agriculture, ilovebutter

An Apple of Pine is Simply Divine

pineapple2PINEAPPLES are a tropical treat. If the taste is not enough, they will help you meet your daily requirements for fruit! Since it is recommended that we eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day, why not snack on a fresh cut-up pineapple, or experience its flavor in a savory dish? Pineapples have a unique flavor due to a perfect blend of sugar and acids, so they taste wonderful with a wide variety of meals.


Pineapple is versatile:  pineapple1

Pineapple’s sweet flavor adds a really nice balance to many savory dishes like stir-frys. It makes a great condiment sliced on top of a burger, in a sandwich, in salsa or desserts.  This fruit can be served fresh, cooked or preserved in a jam or jelly. Grilling is a simple but delicious method to prepare pineapple for a snack or side. Like applesauce, crushed pineapple can be substituted in baked goods to replace some of the fat. For example, when making carrot cake it is common to used crushed pineapple to replace some of the oil. Fresh pineapple also has a unique property for tenderizing meat. It contains a powerful protein called bromelin which breaks down proteins and can even help you with digestion. This mechanism results in a delicious, moist cake, or tenderized steak. Bromelin can aid with recovery from injury and help reduce inflammation. This is good news for athletic injuries or normal aches and pains, including a sore throat! Pineapple has a considerable amount of vitamins and minerals including calcium, fiber, potassium, manganese and vitamin C. Just ½ a cup of pineapple juice will supply you with 50% of your vitamin C needs for the day.


Pineapple juice is refreshing. Next time you are lying on the beach (or just walking to your next class), hydrate yourself with pineapple juice! You will also restore your immune system, and keep your bones and connective tissues strong. Pineapple is shown to help with the growth of bones in young people and even strengthen bones as we get older. Pineapples should make you smile. Not only do they have amusing green hair, but they help remove plaque and keep teeth strong and healthy.

At Penn State, pineapple made it’s way into many of the recipes served on campus, like the Teriyaki Vegetable Stir-Fry, Island Grilled Fish w/ Pineapple Salsa, Hawaiian Pizza and Fiery Mandarin Chicken. Fresh-cut pineapple chunks  are often available on the fruit bar or packaged in our “4-The-Road” cups for a healthy snack to take on the go!

Don’t let pineapples’ tropical facade fool you, they may appear to be on vacation but their health benefits are always on the job.



Md. Farid Hossain, Shaheen Akhtar, Mustafa Anwar. Nutritional Value and Medicinal Benefits of Pineapple. International Journal of
Nutrition and Food Sciences. Vol. 4, No. 1, 2015, pp. 84-88. doi: 10.11648/j.ijnfs.20150401.22 <http://article.sciencepublishinggroup.com/pdf/10.11648.j.ijnfs.20150401.22.pdf>

Photos adapted from: Janine, Tauno Tõhk / 陶诺, terren in Virginia, Chris Pople

Cumin…Comin’ to a Dish Near You!


What do Indian, Mexican, and Middle Eastern cuisine all have in common? If you have tasted any of these types of foods, you may remember a strong, nutty, peppery flavor in many of their curry dishes. This comes from a tiny seed called cumin. You can find cumin as a whole seed or ground powder, though it is very easy to grind on your own.

What’s inside a cumin seed? A whole lot of iron! Cumin happens to be a good source of iron, with 2 teaspoons providing about 35% of the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for college-aged men, and about 16% for women. Iron deficiencies are one of the most common nutritional deficiencies in the US. Iron makes sure oxygen finds its way to all of the cells throughout your body, including your muscles cells. Without enough iron, you can feel weak, irritable, tired, have difficulty processing thoughts and are more prone to illnesses. It is especially important for athletes (particularly female athletes) and active adults to eat plenty of iron. Iron is key for producing energy in your body and maintaining your metabolism.

Medicinal Qualities of Cumin. In ancient remedies, cumin has also been thought to play a role in treating many ailments, from easing digestion and to preventing the common cold. If you find yourself battling the urge to sneeze and cough this winter, before you reach for the cold medicine, consider trying a natural remedy using cumin! Boil water and add a teaspoon of freshly ground cumin and dry ginger. This combination can help soothe your sore throat.

Cumin in Cooking. Cumin is a very versatile spice that can be used within a variety of different dishes. Spices are an excellent way to add delicious flavor without adding sugar, fat or salt. A little bit will go a long way, though, so always start out with a small amount (~1/2 teaspoon or so) of spice and continue to increase in tiny increments as you taste your dish. Check out some of these delicious ways to use cumin in cooking:

  • Stir powdered cumin in hummus
  • Mix with chili powder and salt to sprinkle on popcorn
  • Use to flavor ground beef or chicken
  • Mix in to plain rice or bean side dishes for an extra kick

Cumin is also widely used in many Penn State recipes, including:

  • Black Bean Chili
  • Moroccan Shrimp
  • Peruvian Beef Stir-Fry
  • Quinoa Enchilada
  • And Many More!


“Cumin Seeds.” The World’s Healthiest Foods. The George Mateljan Foundation, n.d. Web. 02 July 2015. <http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=foodspice&dbid=91>.

Curry, DR. “Common Cumin Cures.” Passion for Healing Naturopathic. N.p., 10 Jan. 2010. Web. 02 July 2015. <http://www.passionforhealingnaturopathic.com/blog/2012/01/common-cumin-cures/>.

Photo adapted by: Rebecca Siegel