Weaver, S., Barringer, M., Thole, K. A., 2011, “Micro Channels with Manufacturing Roughness Levels,” Journal of Turbomachinery, vol. 134, pp. 041014.Barringer, M., Thole, K. A., Krishnan, V., Landrum, E., 2013, “Manufacturing Influences on Pressure Losses of Channel Fed Holes,” Journal of Turbomachinery, vol. 136, pp. 051012.

Snyder, J., Stimpson, C., Thole, K. A., and Mongillo, D., 2016, “Build Direction Effects on Additively Manufactured Channels,” Journal of Turbomachinery, vol. 138, pp 051006.

Stimpson, C., Snyder, J., Thole, K. A., and Mongillo, D., 2016, “Roughness Effects on Flow and Heat Transfer for Additively Manufactured Channels,” Journal of Turbomachinery, vol. 138, pp. 051008.

Snyder, J. C., Stimpson, C. K., Thole, K. A., Mongillo, D. J., 2015, “Build Direction Effects on Micro-Channel Tolerance and Surface Roughness,” Journal of Mechanical Design, vol. 137, pp. 111714.

Kirsch, K. and Thole, K. A., 2016, “Heat transfer and Pressure Loss Measurements in Additively Manufactured Wavy Microchannels,” Journal of Turbomachinery, vol 139(1), pp. 011007 (2016 Best Paper Award for Gas Turbine Heat Transfer).

Kirsch, K. and Thole, K. A., 2016, “Heat transfer and Pressure Loss Measurements in Additively Manufactured Wavy Microchannels,” Journal of Turbomachinery, vol 139(1), pp. 011007 (2016 Best Paper Award for Gas Turbine Heat Transfer).

Stimpson, C., Snyder, J., Thole, K. A., and Mongillo, D., 2017, “Scaling Roughness Effects on Pressure Loss and Heat Transfer of Additively Manufactured Channels,” Journal of Turbomachinery, vol. 139(2), pp. 021003.

Stimpson, C. K., Snyder, J. C., Thole, K. A., and Mongillo, D., 2017 “Effectiveness Measurements of Additively Manufactured Film Cooling Holes” Journal of Turbomachinery, vol. 140(1), pp. 011009.

Kirsch, K., and Thole, K. A., 2017 “Experimental Investigation of Numerically Optimized Wavy Microchannels Created Through Additive Manufacturing” Journal of Turbomachinery, vol. 140(2), pp. 021002.

Ferster, K., Kirsch, K., and Thole, K. A., 2017 “Effects of Geometry and Spacing in Additively Manufactured Microchannel Pin Fin Arrays” Journal of Turbomachinery, vol. 140(1), pp. 011007.

Kirsch, K. and Thole, K. A., 2017, “Pressure Loss and Heat Transfer Performance for Additively and Conventionally Manufactured Pin Fin Arrays,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 108, pp. 2502-2513.

Kirsch, K. L., Snyder, J. C., Stimpson, C. K., Thole, K. A., and Mongillo, D., 2017, “Repeatability in Performance of Micro Cooling Geometries Manufactured with Laser Powder Bed Fusion,” 53rd AIAA/SAE/ASME Joint Propulsion Conference, Atlanta, GA, pp. 1–14. (Best Paper Award)

Kirsch, K. and Thole, 2018, “Numerical Optimization, Characterization, and Experimental Investigation of Additively Manufactured Communicating Microchannels” Journal of Turbomachinery, Vol. 140 (11), pp. 111003.

Stimpson, C., Snyder, J., Thole, K. A., and Mongillo, D., 2018 “Effects of Coolant Feed Direction on Additively Manufactured Film Cooling Holes” Journal of Turbomachinery, Vol 140(11), pp. 111001.

Kirsch, K. L. and Thole, K. A., 2018, “Isolating the Effects of Surface Roughness versus Wall Shape in Numerically Optimized, Additively Manufactured Micro Cooling Channels,” Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol. 98, p. 227-238.

Snyder, J. C. and Thole, K. A., 2020, “Performance of Public Film Cooling Geometries Produced through Additive Manufacturing” Journal of Turbomachinery, vol. 142(5), pp. 051009.

Snyder, J. C. and Thole, K. A., 2020, “Effect of Additive Manufacturing Process Parameters on Turbine Cooling” Journal of Turbomachinery, vol. 142(5), pp051007.

Snyder, J. C. and Thole, K. A., 2020, “Tailoring Surface Roughness Using Additive Manufacturing to Improve Internal Cooling,” Journal of Turbomachinery, vol. 142(7), pp. 071004.

Wildgoose, A. J., Thole, K. A., Sanders, P. Wang, L., 2021, “Impact of Additive Manufacturing on Internal Cooling Channels with Varying Diameters and Build Directions,” Journal of Turbomachinery, vol. 143 (7), pp. 071003, https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4050336.

McClain, S. T., Hanson, D. R., Cinnamon, E., Snyder, J. C., Kunz, R. F., Thole, K. A., “Flow in a Simulated Turbine Blade Cooling Channel with Spatially Varying Roughness Caused by Additive Manufacturing Orientation,” Journal of Turbomachinery, vol. 143(7), pp. 071013.

Wilkins, P. H., Lynch, S. P., Thole, K. A., Quach, S., Vincent, T., 2021, “Experimental Heat Transfer and Boundary Layer Measurements on a Ceramic Matric Composite Surface,” Journal of Turbomachinery, vol. 143 (6), pp. 061010, https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4050314

Thole, K. A., Lynch, S. P., Wildgoose, A., 2021, “Review of Advances in Convective Heat Transfer Developed through Additive Manufacturing” Adv in Heat Transfer, vol. 53, pp. 249-325.

Wilkins, P. H., Lynch, S. Pl, Thole, K. A., Vincent, T., Quach, S., Mongillo, D., 2022, “Effect of Ceramic Matrix Composite Surface on Film Cooling,” Journal of Turbomachinery,., vol. 144(8), pp. 081014.

Cory, T., Edelson, R., and Thole, K. A., Tyler, V., Quach, S. and Mongillo, D., 2022, “Impact of Ceramic Matrix Composite Topology on Friction Factor and Heat Transfer,” J of Turbomachinery, vol 144 (3), pp. 031003.