Privacy Workshop Series

In honor of Cybersecurity Awareness Month, join Sarah and Alex at online via Zoom or in Thun Library for the hybrid Privacy Workshop Series! Penn State Berks Thun Library Privacy Workshop Series. Hybrid workshops, in-person @ Thun 137, online via Zoom. October 10 Digital Shred 12:15-1:15pm. October 17th Digital Leadership 12:15-1:15pm. October 24 Digital Wellness 12:15-1:15pm. More info / Zoom access:

Digital Shred Workshop

Monday, October 10
Thun 137 and via Zoom

In this workshop participants will:

  • Reflect on your digital privacy priorities
  • Apply a growth mindset to critically examine your digital footprint
  • Develop a Personal Data Integrity Plan

Digital Leadership Workshop

Monday, October 17
Thun 137 and via Zoom

In this workshop participants will:

  • Discuss our online presence – both our activity and “persona”
  • Learn about how our online behavior is tracked, archived, and can be retrieved in the future
  • Reflect on how online behaviors can have lasting impact on our careers and personal lives

Digital Wellness Workshop

Monday, October 24
Thun 137 and via Zoom

In this workshop participants will:

  • Reflect on your digital wellness priorities
  • Learn about how our digital practices impact our personal wellbeing, including relationships, mental health, & professional aspirations
  • Develop a Digital Wellness Wheel to align habits & goals

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