Research Support

Librarians are here to help with your research!
We can help you:
  • Develop a topic / research question for your paper or project
  • Use databases, including finding scholarly sources
  • Familiarize yourself with discipline-specific resources
  • Become an expert Google searcher
  • Evaluate sources for credibility, including websites
  • Identify research methodologies
  • Explore funding opportunities for your research
  • Find an opportunity to publish or present your work
  • Consult on ethical research practices, including research with human subjects (IRB) and intellectual property (copyright and patents)
  • Show you tips to make your research more efficient & effective
  • Create citations

Research Consultations

Contact a Thun research coach to schedule research consults:

Additional Research Support

Real-time assistance via text / chat / email: Ask a Librarian

Berks Course Research Guides

University Libraries Subject Guides

Research Databases

Additional FAQs from University Libraries.

Contact Thun

Email || 610-396-6339

Twitter (@thunlibrary) || Instagram (thunlibrary) || Facebook (Penn State Berks Thun Library)