Passion Blog Ideas

Edit: I totally did this wrong and it is killing me to not fix it lol.

Idea 1: Child Advocacy: If there is one thing I am inevitably passionate about, it is defending and protecting children across the world. It is so important to me to make sure that children are living a healthy life in a loving home. Unfortunately, there are too many children suffering across the globe that cannot get the help that they need fast enough. I have seen many people important in my life go through terrible things with their families, and I even have some personal experiences myself. It is one of the hardest things people can go through at a young age, especially when they have no say or control over what happens. I feel like writing about this would be a really great way for me to express my career goals and discover things about myself while doing it.

Idea 2: My Home Life: My life at PSU is very different from my home in East Stroudsburg, PA. It is also different because I have moved a lot in my life, and for the last few years we have settled in the same place. So moving again (sorta) since middle school, except on my own, has been a fun rollercoaster of emotions but I think it is really cool to compare and contrast the life I have here to the life I have at home.

3 thoughts on “Passion Blog Ideas”

  1. I love how passionate you are about defending children around the world. This would be a great topic to write your passion blog about, and I would be excited to read about it! There are a lot of different things you could write about pertaining to this, and I look forward to seeing what you do.

  2. This is a very interesting passion blog pitch, especially since it relates to you so much with your career goals. You were supposed to pitch at least two ideas to make sure you think of a range of things you can write about. If you decide to forego this topic for this semester, it would be a great topic for the spring’s civic issues blog assignment. Either way, I look forward to reading your blog!

  3. I love your first blog pitch! If it is something you are very passionate about, I think you can write with a lot of depth and strength. I also think your idea about comparing your life at PSU to your life back at home is a great idea. Since college life differs so much from life back home, I think there are a variety of different possibilities on what to write.

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