Donald Super Work Values Inventory Survey

The Donald Super Work Values Inventory Survey ask questions that represent values which people consider important in their work. These are satisfactions which people often seek in their jobs or as a result of their jobs. They are not all considered equally important; some are very important to some people but of little importance to others. Below are my top five results that indicate how important certain vales are to me.

     1.  ECONOMIC RETURN:  work which pays well and enables one to have the things he/she wants. 

     2.  SECURITY:  work which provides one with the certainty of having a job even in hard times.

     3.  WAY OF LIFE:  work that permits one to live the kind of life he chooses/to be the type of person he wishes to be.

     4.  ASSOCIATES:  work which brings one into contact with fellow workers whom you like.

     5.  PRESTIGE:  work which gives one standing on the eyes of others and evokes respect.