This project was limited to an extent and it is my hope that in the future I will be able to add and improve on it. I only conducted ten different interviews and it would add to the project if I would be able to interview more people and be able to record more dialogues between trans* people. Additionally, I intend to expand this project into my Honors Thesis. For that project, I will look more from other linguistic views such as from a psycholinguistics perspective and hopefully adding an auditory portion where I can look at pronoun resolution based on gender.

In the future, there is more research for academics to look at. Particularly, future research could further examine other genderless languages to see if there are any languages where semantic gender is entirely absent and could examine other gendered languages (like French for example – which is more gendered than English because of gender appearing morphologically) to see how trans* people who do not fit in the binary are using language.

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