
Honor Society Membership Status: You are required to earn 20 points per semester and pay dues ($15/semester or $25/year).  We would like you to earn a 3.0 GPA, but we are not going to look at it and understand that things happen that we can’t always control.  The point of considering GPA is that we want our members to be actively trying to do well academically, not to stress you out or exclude you in any way.  At the end of the Spring semester, you will be inducted by the WGSS department and Triota officers. With that, you will get a lavender cord to wear at graduation.  Beyond something to put on your resume, you will be more involved and eligible to run for office if you so choose.

Active Member Status:  Active members should aim to earn at least 10 points per semester and pay dues.  There is more wiggle room with this status if you have less time to commit to the club.  You will not be thought of any differently in this case in any kind of day to day activities.  The only difference is that you will not be eligible to run for office or be officially inducted at the end of the Spring semester.

We will always be understanding and flexible, so if you ever face any difficulties, are unable to pay dues, or have trouble meeting the requirements, don’t hesitate to talk to one of the officers! You don’t need to tell us anything you aren’t comfortable talking about, just let us know what you need. We will do our best to accommodate you!

Points are earned by going to meetings, helping with club events or projects, going to socials, attending events around campus, and leading projects.

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