Lesson 11 Blog Reflection

What ethical challenges have you faced?  What values do you believe in? How much do you feel that you are a role model of these values when others observe your behavior?

In the role of HR Manager, I’m frequently faced with cases that involve lapses in associate judgment and integrity and situations that compromise our organizations’ values.  My involvement in these cases is from a disciplinary action standpoint.  When I think about any situations that I’ve personally dealt with regarding ethics and integrity, there is one major one that comes to mind.  For confidential reasons, I won’t go into the details, however it was a situation that I had to make a decision that resulted in the end to a 10 year friendship with a colleague who had been engaging in unethical behavior.  I became aware of this conduct because my friend / colleague had confided in me.  It left me in a position where I felt I had no other choice than to report the situation to our Legal Department, and an investigation ensued.  Although it was a very difficult decision, I knew that it was the right decision to make.  The reason I knew this is because it “felt” right.  In many situations that I deal with, I tend to use my own intuition and values as a gauge of “right and wrong”.     I’m verbal about this, and because of that, I believe that others see me as a role model for integrity.


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