Describe potential situations where the five different qualitative data collection methods:
One-on-one interviews: I believe that one-on-one interviews are best served when confidentiality is valued based upon the nature of the discussion. For example, if the interview intends to collect specific feedback (positive and negative) about a specific leader. The person being interviewed is more likely to provide candid feedback if they feel that their confidentiality will be preserved. A one-on-one interview can provide that.
Focus group interviews:– This could be beneficial to gather feedback regarding a new training curriculum. A group of associates who have completed the training could make up a focus group, where the facilitator could ask questions regarding the effectiveness of the training program and evaluate their collective feedback.
Open-ended questionnaires: This could be beneficial to use in a situation where a department head is trying to collect recommendations from their associates about ways to improve team meetings for the department.
Observations, and documents: This could be beneficial for observing a team-building activity. An OD Consultant could observe and document their observations in an environment where members of a team were working together on something. Things like verbal communication, leadership, non-verbal communication, postures, etc. could be observed and could provide feedback to the OD Consultant on group / team dynamics that exist and opportunities to improve any areas.