This week’s reading assignments related to planning for the evaluation. Table 4.1 in our textbook illustrated a Checklist for Starting Up the Evaluation Process. The following are the questions included in the checklist, and the answers, based on my case study which relates to creating a new process to handle leaves of absences and requests for accommodations.
What needs to be achieved through the OD Intervention?
This OD Intervention needs to result in a process by which all requests for Leaves of Absences and accommodations from our associates are handled consistently and according to federal, state, and local laws. Additionally, the experience needs to be positive for the associates, providing them with confidence that their requests are being handled professionally and correctly. Finally, the process should result in associates who receive the appropriate leave of absence or accommodation they need, based upon their own personal medical condition or to care for a family member based on their medial condition. This approved leave or accommodation should result in their ability to return to work and continue to perform the essential functions of their job.
What would the desired change state look like?
A clearly outlined new process for requesting leaves of absences and accommodations that is well communicated to associates and managers.
What metric will be used to measure success for the desired change after the intervention?
- # of approved leaves of absences and approved requests for accommodations
- positive associate experience- as measured through VOC survey
- lower costs of legal claims on the basis of disability
Who / which are the targets of change (e.g. people/group/units)? What level of change do we need?
- Associates who meet the eligibility criteria for leaves of absences or accommodations (i.e. eligibility requirements under FMLA and other state and local laws) as well as the eligibility requirements set forth by our company’s Leave of Absence Policy.
- Managers
- HR Managers
- NEW- team that will be responsible for managing the requests for LOA and accommodation
The change that is required will be change in behavior and change in process and procedure.
What are the specific evaluation expectations at each level?
Associates – The evaluation expectations are that they understand the policy and procedure by which they would make a request for a LOA or accommodation. Are they calling the right team? Are they prepared with the appropriate information that htey will need to provide? Do they know if they meet the eligibility requirements? Do they know what is required to return to work? Do they know who to contact for questions? Do they know what will happen with their job during this time?
Managers – Similar to the associates, they need to understand the policy and procedure for LOA and accommodation, since associates on their team may need to request a claim at some point in the future. In addition to the questions listed above, they also need to know what they should do and what they shouldn’t do. A fundamental goal of the change effort is to remove the manager from this process in an effort to shield him/her from being aware of any medical information of their associate. Therefore, if an associate comes to them with a question about LOA or accommodation, the manager should stop the associate and direct them to the team that will be handling this.
HR Managers will be targets of change as well because their responsibility around LOAs and accommodations will be different. They should not be the final decision maker on whether a request for LOA or accommodation is granted. They will be involved in decisions related to approving a request for an on-the-job evaluation, however. They will need to help evaluate the associate’s limitations and their ability to perform the essential function of their job. By understanding this, they will be able to help make a decision on whether a request for accommodation / LOA is reasonable, or prevents an undue hardship.
New Team – They will need to be intimately familiar with the policy and procedure for LOA and accommodation. They will need to be subject matter experts and one way to evaluate this level will be to assess whether they were able to effectively handle all requests for LOA and accommodation in a timely, consistent manner and in accordance with all federal, state, and local laws.
Are the evaluation expectations aligned with the aims and levels of the change intervention?
Are you in agreement with each level of targets, with regard to evaluation goals and objectives?
Table 4.2 in our textbook illustrated Influential factors of Evaluation Planning Strategy. The following are the resources that need to be considered for evaluation, based on my case study which relates to creating a new process to handle leaves of absences and requests for accommodations.
Time for designing, data gathering, analyzing and reporting:
Fortunately, all of the sources that are needed to provide these metrics exist today and do not need to be created. Therefore, the time needed for data gathering, analyzing and reporting should be approximately 1 -2 weeksa repoR
Time for employees participating in the evaluation:
The evaluation components that involve people will be providing a short survey to associates regarding their experience with the LOA and accommodation process. This would take them 10-15 min. According to recent reports, there are 100 associates who either request a claim or have a question related to LOA or accommodation / month. Therefore, in a month, this would require 25 hours.
A Manager focus group should also be a part of this evaluation. The focus group discussion would be approx 1 -2 hours. We would want to run 3-5 focus groups.
An HR Manager focus group should also be a part of this evaluation. The focus group discussion would be approx 1 -2 hours. We would want to run 3-5 focus groups.
Professionals from HR, Finance, Social Research, etc.
HR Managers, HR Directors, Director of HRIS (Human Resources Information System), Director of HR Shared Services Team, Associate General Council (regarding legal claims and costs), and Sr. Financial Analyst – HR.
Consulting Costs
We may need to plan for outside counsel to assist with the creation of this new process to ensure that it is legally compliant.
We may need to consult with our 3rd party – FMLASource, as well to help us create this new process which will require integration with their team.
Opportunity Costs (e.g. deferred decision)
The time that it takes to create this new process will present as an opportunity cost because in the meantime, there are associates that will require a decision on their requests for LOA or accommodation. If these requests are not handled appropriately (before our new process is implemented), there may be legal risks involved.
There is a system that is used in our HR Shared Services group – Footnotes. This system has the capability for handling LOA claims, therefore we will leverage this technology.