Final Blog Post- WFED 585

What is the most important thing you have learned in this course?  How do you feel about it?

The biggest takeaway that I have had with this course is one that I took away from one of the first lessons….the importance of the evaluation / appraisal in any change effort.  One of the key points that was reiterated throughout the course was the fact that this process is so easily missed.  I could speak for personal experience in my organization and having been a part of many change efforts where the change was not sustained due to the fact that there was no “anchor” to any of the objectives that were set at beginning of the change effort.  In fact, in many of the projects that I have been a part of, there was no formal step in the beginning of the initiative where there was even a discussion around the key objectives.  This is the one change that I plan to apply to my current job.  I now  have an opportunity to ensure that an evaluation is included in the beginning of a change initiative and then included throughout the whole change effort.

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