Submission Instructions


A Marvelous Order

A Marvelous Order

Source:  A Marvelous Order

“A Marvelous Order is a forthcoming opera about the battle between Robert Moses, the Master Builder, and Jane Jacobs, the self-taught oracle of unparalleled urban insight, over the fate of New York City. When Moses plans to demolish Jacobs’ home and neighborhood, Jacobs leads a revolt, igniting a conflict that continues to shape built environments around the world—from small towns to global cities—and the lives of all who call them home.

A Marvelous Order humanizes the struggle between power and protest as only music, poetry and art can do.”

Source: “A Marvelous Order.”

A Marvelous Order

Source:  A Marvelous Order


The Reflection Project:  Looking at Who WE ARE is an initiative funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation with the overarching goal of providing Penn State students with opportunities find their community and a sense of belonging at Penn State by investigating themselves and their identities through engagements with the performing arts. To facilitate student engagement, The Reflection Project is accepting proposals for up to $2,000 to fund the following activities related to the artists residency and the culminating world premier of the contemporary operate, A Marvelous Order, at Penn State’s Center for the Performing Arts (CPA) October 20, 2022.

    • Purchase of Tickets for Students to Attend the Performance 
    • Transportation to and from Commonwealth Campuses to Attend the Performance 
    • Research Travel as Part of the Course Development Process in Support of Pre- and/or Post-Performance Engagement Activities   
    • Materials Planned for Classroom Use to Support Pre- and/or Post-Performance Engagement Activities   
    • Stipends to Invite Complementary or Related Artists/Speakers in Class to Enhance Students’ Performance Experience  

Applications are due April 25, 2022, with awards to be announced on April 29.  If you are in need of assistance, please contact Cheri Jehu at to address any questions. 

Project Overview  

For many, “We Are…” encapsulates the student experience at Penn State by creating a sense of belonging to a globally recognized, interconnected community that exemplifies exuberance, energy, and pride. However, are there other, more profound connotations than a feeling of identification incorporated in this ritual chant?  What reaction does “We Are…”  elicit from those students who feel disenfranchised?    

The Reflection Project intends to create a sense of belonging and inclusion among the Penn State community by student exploration of the following themes:  

(1) Personal and Communal Identity 

(2) Creating and Receiving Empathy 

(3) Recognizing the Importance of Telling One’s Story and the Stories of Others 

(4) Preparing Students for Global Citizenship  

Immersing students in the performing arts will give them the ability to discover their identities, understand other points of view, be able to confidently tell their own and others’ stories, and recognize how they fit into the world.   

To be considered for funding, faculty members must require students in the identified course(s) attend the performance of A Marvelous Order and agree to have at least one in-class artist engagement prior to the performance.  Applicants must also demonstrate how attending the performance and related engagement activities align with one or more of The Reflection Project’s themes as stated above.   

Artist engagement formats are bespoke to an individual class, and can include lecture/demonstrations, talks with the creative team on the development of a given piece, master classes in dance or music, workshops to create art related to the theme of the performance or other formats based on the specific class. CPA staff will work with faculty members in developing and scheduling engagements. 


Allowable Uses of Funds  

The following section describes the activities for which funding can be requested.  Your application may include more than one activity, but the total budget request cannot exceed $2,000 unless alternate funding sources are identified.   Please note that the applicant is responsible for the accuracy of the budget request.  If the actual cost exceeds the proposed budget, the awarded faculty and their department will be responsible for any amount in excess of the award.   If you are unsure if a proposed use is within the scope of the call, please contact Cheri Jehu at for clarification.

For information on Penn State’s travel policies, visit: 

For Penn State’s travel-related resources, visit: 


Purchase of Tickets for Students to Attend Performances   

If applying for students to attend one or more designated performance, you may request tickets for students in more than one class as well as more than one section of a given class.  

In calculating your budget for this item, the price is $15 per student ticket.  For the purpose of estimating the number of tickets required, please consider using the maximum enrollment for the class. 


Transportation to and from Commonwealth Campuses to Attend the Performances   

Funds may be requested to transport students to and from any Penn State Commonwealth Campus for the purpose of attending the performance of A Marvelous Order.  Please use current Penn State travel guidance in developing the proposed budget. 

 For information on Penn State’s travel policies, visit: 

For Penn State’s travel-related resources, visit: 


Research Travel as Part of the Course Development Process in Support of Pre- and/or Post-Performance Engagement Activities 

Funds may be requested for the purpose of researching and developing pre- and/or post-performance engagement activities and include travel, per diem and accommodations.   A written summary of the results and findings of the research travel is required within 30 days of returning.  Please use current Penn State travel guidance in developing the proposed budget. 

 For information on Penn State’s travel policies, visit: 

For Penn State’s travel-related resources, visit: 


Materials Planned for Classroom Use to Support Pre- and/or Post-Performance Engagement Activities   

Funding can be requested for materials (to include access to on-line resources) to support pre- and/or post engagement activities.  Please include links to the products or services requested in the application form.  Note that whenever possible, materials should be sourced through Lion Market Place or Office Depot.  


Stipends to Invite Complementary Artists/Speakers into Class to Enhance Students’ Performance Experience  

Funding requests to host a guest artist(s) or speaker(s) for your class(s) are permitted and can include transportation, lodging, per diem as well as any speaker or artist fees. The speakers or artist’s qualifications, their anticipated contribution to pre- and post-performance activities as well as a plan for their travel and lodging (if required) must be included in the application.  

 For information on Penn State’s travel policies, visit: 

For Penn State’s travel-related resources, visit: 


Faculty Requirements 

Faculty who are awarded a Reflections Project mini grant will require students to attend one or more of the designated CPA performances even if the cost of the tickets is not a part of the funding request as well as participate in a minimum of one engagement.  Awarded faculty will be asked to submit an end-of-semester summary capturing both their own and their students’ experiences as related to the funded activity. Specifically, how they and their students related the experience to The Reflection Project’s theme(s) and the perceived benefit. Reflection Project staff will be available to assist with this summary as needed.  

Photos or video recordings of any artist engagements may be obtained by CPA staff and posted on the program or CPA’s websites, publication or report.  All students and faculty in the class will be required to complete the supplied release. 


Criteria for a Successful Proposal  

A completed application must be received by April 25, 2022 for full consideration. The link below for the on-line submission form.   

Mini Grant Submission Form

The application includes the following: 

  • Faculty member’s name, PSU email address, PSU phone and home unit.  
  • Course name(s) and number(s) for which the funding is requested to include the anticipated number of students in each class.  
  • Identification and description of the activities for which funding is being requested as well as supporting budget information by activity. 
  • Demonstration of how the proposed activities and related Reflection Project themes enhance the existing course.  

Personal and communal identity.  

Creating and receiving empathy.  

Recognizing the importance of telling one’s story and the stories of others.  

Preparing students for global citizenship 

  • Uploaded letter of support from the chair or director of the academic department or program in which the course is offered.  

Please review the following requirements for participating in The Reflection Project Mini Grant Call for Proposals. If awarded funding, you agree to:  

  • Require all students in the identified class to attend the performance of A Marvelous Order. 
  • Host an in-class artist engagement for each performance in the request. 
  • Provide a letter of support signed by your department head.  
  • Complete all forms and provide all documentation as required.  
  • Allow for photos or recording of the in-class engagement as well as secure signed releases from all students attending. 
  • Submit a brief end-of-semester summary capturing both their own and their students’ experiences as related to the funded activity. 
  • If funds for research travel are awarded, a description of the results of the research will be due within 30 days of the return from travel. 

Please contact the Mellon Program Coordinator, Cheri Jehu, at if you have any questions or concerns.  


Review and Selection Process  

Evaluation, selection, and grant awards are determined by an internal review committee against a rubric based on connection to the themes, the proposed activities’ adherence to proposal guidelines, feasibility of proposed budget and the number of students engaged with Andrew W. Mellon Foundation-sponsored CPA performances.   

If you have any further questions, please email Cheri Jehu, Mellon Program Coordinator ( 

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