
Throughout the course of history, it was known in all aspects of society that women were inferior to men. They are always a couple steps behind them due to implanted societal norms that have never been questioned for a long time. Although it has taken a while for women to obtain certain rights and privileges thankfully to three waves of the feminist movement, there is still much more to be accomplished. Taking a look at this 1950s advertisement, it is apparent to see the commonplace that women are always seen unequal to men. Women are automatically compared to being contained to the house and can even been seen as a household item in this advertisement. Back then women knew “their place” as tending to duties around the house and practically being their husbands’s maid. One side of the poster depicts the bottom half of a man stepping on the head of women who is connected to an animal skin rug. The wording under this picture states, “It’s nice to have a girl around the house” persuading the audience, of predominantly males, to hunt a girl, bring her home and have your house always looking spiffy. Having the women’s head connected to the rug displays two things; the first is that it alludes to the fact that women are vulnerable and easy to capture. The second is with the so-called husband placing his foot on top of his wife’s head implies a forceful connotation that simply men are superior to women and women must succumb to their male counterparts. It also creates the persuasion that women are wild beast in a way and men must take on the noble hero status and tame them. The commonplace of this poster complies with a number of stereotypes that women are lower to men on a hierarchal status and that a man must swoop in and provide them a life or they will continue to be wild and a nuisance to society on their own.


By September 1, 2020.  3 Comments on Commonplace  RCL Blog   


  1. I think that you did a great job explaining the advertisement you found and I liked that you put the image at the bottom of the post for reference. You hit all of the major points relating to the issues this ad contains but also how those issues made it an effective ad back in the 1950s

  2. I think that your ad choice is a good one, highlighting the issue of gender norms prevalent in our society throughout time.

  3. As a feminist, this advertisement makes my blood boil. But, you did an excellent job analyzing the commonplace and the issues pertaining to it. I analyzed a similar commonplace (women as homemakers) but from a modern advertisement (Clorox bleach wipes). It is sad and frustrating to see that hints of these stereotypes plague modern society.

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