Cross Country Roadtrip

My topic that will run throughout this passion blog is the idea of nature I see while traveling to places near and far.  A trip I would like to highlight on for this post is my cross country road trip with my family in 2015. We drove from Long Island, New York to Las Vegas, Nevada over the span of three days, then took an extended drive to California and on the way back stopped at the Four corners. I had no idea what routes we were taking, or what my eyes would fall upon through my car window but I was excited. Driving from New York through Pennsylvania did not excite me as much because I was already accustomed to those landscapes. Driving past that boundary made me very excited, By the second day I had started to realize I was seeing a lot of plains, mainly Iowa and Nebraska, but there was also a beauty to them as well. Driving through the never ending plain fields, they offered me some sort of comfort even though they were an unusual sight to me. The plains offer a description within itself, it was such a simple sight but with that simplicity came serenity. Even when I stepped out of my car for the first time in a while to feel the Nebraska soil, I appreciated the fresh quality of air I breathed in as well.

The sight that really stood out to me was when I was driving through the Rocky Mountains. This was the second best physical land feature I had ever laid my eyes on. The drive through them was very long but was very worth viewing that entire time. There are mountain ranges in New York, but there was nothing that could compare, I felt that I was in another universe. Seeing the snow capped mountains in the middle of April had me in awe. I wish I was able to step out of the car and get to see them at a closer view or maybe even stand on it but I’ll take what I can get. Just being able to see them once in my lifetime was enough, I will have that scenery implanted in my mind forever. The first best physical land feature I was enamored with was the Grand Canyon. It truly did live up to all the hype surrounding it and I had no doubts about that. It’s hard to believe how vast it is, even when you see it in person. Being surrounded by that beauty created such a deep appreciation for life and what nature has to offer. After I saw the Grand Canyon, that started the passion I had for viewing new places and taking in all the beauty that encompasses it.



  1. This blog post made me feel very relaxed and at peace, and it was easy to picture the beauty in the sights you reference. I am excited to read more about the views you’ve experienced, and I wonder how they will compare to those that your readers have.

  2. After reading your sensory descriptions of your cross country road trip, it made me want to run outside and traverse nature. I am very fond of traveling and hopefully one day be able to say that I have went to all the landmasses on Earth. The Grand Canyon is definitely one of the most astonishing sites I have laid my eyes on.

  3. I lived in the midwest for 10 years myself, so this really interested me. I have also been to Vegas several times as my uncle lives there. It is one of the coolest cities I have ever been to, and the sheer amount of national parks is insane. I would love to hear more about all the cool places you’ve been.

  4. Like Joshua I lived in the Midwest for much of my life and can confirm you would not be very interested in seeing Iowa and Nebraska. For the true road trip experience you might rather visit Michigan instead. Lake Michigan, Traverse City, and Mackinac Island are all interesting day trips you would not want to miss.

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