The next stop

I have always been so accustomed to traveling within the United States. When I was younger I would constantly beg my parents to take us overseas or even to Hawaii, but it was just never within reach for us. I was grateful to drive all these lengths to see the different states but I still had a strong yearning to venture further. I did not have a specific place in mind, just anywhere that wasn’t home. I would become so envious of my friends who got to travel overseas every summer or school break. I would live vicariously through their lives and ask them to send me postcards/pictures and even bring me back a piece of their vacation. Looking back, I had obtained a sand collection as gifts from friends who went to tropical islands. For example I have glass bottles of sand from Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Cayman Islands and Riviera Maya. These small grains of sand give me the sensation that I was able to walk along those beaches and be apart of their atmospheres.

I started to become hopeless that I would never have the chance to travel outside the United States but finally that day had come. My junior year of high school, the language department was organizing a Europe trip for 10 days traveling across Spain, France and Italy. Reluctantly, my parents made it happen where I was able to go and I am forever grateful for that experience. The first new soil I encountered was Barcelona, Spain; even looking down at it from ten thousands of feet in the sky, I knew it would be a special place. Barcelona was such a diverse city, you are immersed within the loud nightlife but are able to walk 15 minutes away so elongated beach strip, nothing like New York City that’s for sure. I was astonished to see how crystal blue the ocean was and I wish I was able to swim in it but it was too cold out. The city offered such amazing natural light fixtures I loved walking through the farmers market on the antique cobblestone admiring all the handwork done by locals.  One of more outstanding features I had come across during my short visit there was at the Park Guell. There was a land feature that was disproportional and slanted looking made out of limestone or some other type of mineral I believe, but it was truly like nothing I had ever seen before. Barcelona was truly an amazing place and it was only the first leg of the trip, I had high expectations for what was coming next



  1. I went on a similar trip to Peru and it was the best experience of my life. Its so important for everyone to experience foreign cultures as to truly appreciate your own life.

  2. I had a very similar experience to this when I left the US (and Canada) for the first time on a school trip to Panama junior year. I felt the same way about many aspects of the city, and it was such an amazing experience to have as my first time traveling outside North America. Your trip sounded incredible and I hope I can someday visit Europe too!

  3. It is funny you should talk about that park, as we actually spent almost an entire unit learning about it and its rich history. This was really interesting, and I like how you pulled the readers in with the opening paragraph about how you thought you would never get to see these cool places. It made it all the more fulfilling for everyone!

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