Rhetorical Analysis Paper Introduction

“How to Tame Women”

Throughout the 1950s about only 33 percent of women were part of the labor force while the remainder of women took on the role of the housewife. This statistic should be no surprise as the majority of advertisements that circulated newspapers, televisions, billboards and window displays depicted women fitting the role of the homemaker. Mr. Leggs advertisement is promoting their men’s dress slacks alluding to the ideology of a dominating patriarchy. It is evident to see in this advertisement that the man who is wearing the slacks has his foot on the head of his presumable wife, and her body is made up of an animal fur skin rug. The caption below the visual offers a summarizing description of what can be taken away from the ad telling the audience women can be captured as easily as buying a pair of pants. This advertisement knew it was not just selling a tangible item to men, but was also selling the common place that women are inferior. advertisement that assist contradicting this one but also helps develop Mr. Leggs kairotic moment is a World War Two propaganda poster encouraging women to apply in the U.S employment services.Tools such as ethos and pathos are utilized very heavily between these two advertisements in addition with the help of kairos. The Mr. Leggs advertisement and this U.S employment service World War Two propaganda poster are key driving forces in the stagnant role of women in the house and not out in the labor force.

1 Comment

  1. I think this intro is really good. I am just curious how you plan to break down the essay in terms of whether you are going to talk about the different appeals and what they do or the aspects of the piece and how those use the appeals. I think if you broke it down into talking about the different sides of the man and then the women and what they are contributing to the message would be really cool. One thing is I would some up with more of an action verb to really draw attention and be used in your thesis.

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