My Next Trip After Quarantine

From my previous post, you can see I only traveled out of the country once and during that trip I got to experience the culture and beauty of three different European countries and I can’t wait to go back. But as of right now, for me at least, it looks like it will be quite a while til i get to travel to another country again. Due to COVID19 reasons, it is hard to travel the world in this day and age and it is so sad because we would have never expected to have disease so horrible restrict our traveling desires. I know many people have the desire to travel outside the country and fly over international waters, but there are so many hidden gems hidden right inside our own country. I hope that we will all be able to travel soon again but for now I daydream about places I will get to explore once this is all over and life can be somewhat normal again. I am used to taking long car rides to get to my destination of exploration, so Hopefully soon I would like to try to make it possible to stay within the United States and see new places. As of right now, a top place on my list to see very soon, within the United States of course, is Lake Powell located in Utah and Arizona.

I have been to Arizona before but just to see the Grand Canyon really and we drove through a good sum of land but we did not see any massive, stunning land features that stood out. If I wanted to visit this place soon, under safe COVID19 conditions, i would have to endure a long car ride, but I would be willing to make that trip to see these extravagant land features. I really had no idea this place even existed until I have seen multiple celebrities, including Kardashians/Jenners and Addison Rae, travel to this location over the past couple of months and it looks like you’re on Mars. Lake Powell is a man made reservoir on the Colorado River in Utah and Arizona. This location has absolutely no downsides about it, maybe besides hot temperatures, but its placid blue water allows you to go swimming and participate in other water sports, or you have the option to go hiking in the sandy red and orange canyons. One part of these natural feature i would like to see is the rainbow bridge, which is located in the Utah portion and is one of the world’s largest natural bridges. It is truly one of the most beautiful places I have laid my eyes on and I hope I am able to journey there in the near future.



  1. Yeah travel has not been the most lucrative field over the last few months. I have never been a huge travel fan, so it has not impacted me very much, but I can tell a lot of people around me getting extremely jittery. That Utah lake looks pretty cool as well.

  2. I feel like if we get through this winter without as massive of a second wave as they’re predicting, travel will most likely return to some state of normal over the summer.

  3. I also saw the same celebrities posting at this location and wondered where it was, so I’m glad you figured it out! I will definitely be adding this to my list of destinations and hopefully this will be a more achievable trip for you during covid as you don’t have to travel internationally.

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