TED Talk Feedback

Going into my TED Talk i was very nervous to perform it because I felt it had to be executed rather differently than how I presented my speech for the previous assignment. From my point of view I believe I did a better job than I expected with executing my information and articulating my speaking points. Memorizing it was much easier when I had the visuals to aid me. I did have a hard time cutting down how long I was speaking for to make sure I did not go over the grace period so in some points I feel as if I was speaking too fast. The feedback I received from my peers was very helpful and I appreciate their perspective and ideas about what I can incorporate into my paradigm shift paper. Some positive comments I received was a good job on including COVID and how it has affected the quality time families are spending together. Another positive was that I did a great job explaining the meaning and outcome of this shift. A aspect I would need to focus on, importantly in the paper, is explaining WHY the paradigm shift is occurring. I touched on it briefly in my speech but I should go deeper into it within my paper. Some examples I am looking into diving into are both parents working/being tired and spatial layouts of modern homes. I also need to elaborate more on how this shift impacts society such as people and children in my paper. I am not sure really how i am going to tackle this yet but hopefully some more research leads me into the right direction. One final thing I would have to avoid saying in my paper is that “white isn’t the norm” anymore. Instead I should phrase it as we are progressing towards a more diverse and accepting idea of family structures. I will be looking to apply these changes and strengthen my weak points for my paper.

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