Advocacy Project Paragraphs

One of the ideas I have for my advocacy project is looking further into Penn State’s healthy food options that are on campus. I have not yet done any statistical research to see how it affects students, but from mine and peer perspectives, the food options present on campus are a pressing issue each and every single day. I am someone who really likes to watch what I eat and am always looking for good healthy food in my reach. The audience I would be targeting would be either the Penn State Administration to invest in different health options or Penn State University’s Food Services, so they could look to change up the dining hall menu or add more vegetables, healthy entrees and starches to it. I think this is something to advocate for and would reach a large group that is also affected by this because making generally poor eating choices leads to students being lethargic and not producing the best work. Eating poorly also leads to bad habits and mental health issues. It is nice that the salad bar but it is just simply not feasible to keep getting a salad everyday; or having to uber eats and spend extra money on food that is not campus that is healthier and then students end up with a turbulent amount of meal points left.

Deciding what is ethical is dependent on what you define as ethical, which may vary for many. It depends on the relationship with the person you are trying to persuade and on the nature of the belief and or behavior that you are hoping to change. I think the “Photograph as Witness: A Portrait of Domestic Violence” can be a piece of art or a piece oof advocacy based on how you look at it, but from my perspective I see it as more a piece of advocacy. The piece was ethical because it collected evidence with consent, was constructed and published in a proper way. The author made the issue seem urgent and important but also did not dramatize it in any way. The outcome as stated by Maggie was to bring more awareness to domestic abuse and I think that can be achieved through ethical communication. Some audience members could view this argument as being manipulative rather than persuasive because it could paint all men as being the bad guy; but still in my opinion it is an issue that isn’t visibly shared. It doesn’t really go the extra mile to make an appeal to change to a policy, which would really make the difference.


  1. Victoria Vanriele

    I think that’s a great idea to look into Penn State’s food options. I definitely agree the audience is Penn State administration and/or Food Services but I think students would also love to hear what you have to say! I look forward to your project!
    Additionally, I agree with your analysis of the piece, as I thought it was a work of advocacy and was ethical as well.

  2. YES. Please do a project on Penn state’s healthy food choices – I wrote a blog post last semester on some healthy food options at Penn State (for Fitness 411) if you want to take a look at those for an introduction, and then go into how these options are just not enough (I could literally only think of 3-4 LOL). Especially for such an immense campus, it is so bewildering that we have minimal healthy food options.

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