Intro to my e-portfolio

I am really excited for this semester to be over, but just as equally excited for our last project. This project seems like a great opportunity to show off our best qualities and share what we are most passionate and caring about. I like that we have the chance to have full creative design over our website and that this will be here for anyone to find.

For my project, the website platform I think I will be using to develop my site will be Wix. I am still in between Wix and Word Press, since Word Press is more like our Penn State sites where you have to put in your credentials. But I am going to lean more towards Wix because I have heard from a majority of my peers that this is easy to navigate, but the only thing I am hesitant about is not being able to change the design if I don’t like it later on. I also read the Wix vs. Weebly article and it seemed that the author was suggesting to users to utilize Wix over Weebly. I don’t think I would prefer Weebly either because it is more design template based and I know I won’t be going overboard on the design of this website.

For my e-portfolio, I will be focusing on the topic of things I have been reading a writing about recently, which circulates around the theme of advocacy. I have done a lot of pieces based on advocating for simple human rights such as around criminal justice reform, sexual assault reform and health and wellness change. I want my website to resemble how much I care about the common decency we all deserve as human beings and how passionate I am to bring about a positive change in anyone’s life. I’m not sure who I would like my audience for this website to be, either my friends or a future employer would suffice. The tabs i plan to incorporate into the site include a home one, with general information about myself, a page explaining my passions while highlighting my artifacts, a page for my extracurriculars in the past and while I am here at Penn State, and a tab for my résumé. I don’t want to make my site look to busy so I think I am set on the amount of tabs I will include. The color scheme I think I would like to incorporate is green, white and blue or pink possibly.


  1. Victoria Vanriele

    I really love your goal of wanting your website to resemble how much you care about social justice issues. I think that’s a great idea and I also think it’s great that you want to limit the amount of tabs you have so your website isn’t crowded. It seems like you’ve but a great deal of thought into which website platform to use and I look forward to seeing your portfolio!

  2. ToniAnn,
    I think this is a wonderful idea. You seem to have a strong interest when it comes to advocacy, criminal justice and law, and health and wellness. I suggest revolving your e-portfolio mostly around criminal justice because that seems to be beneficial to your career path!

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