Gun Control: How Mass Shootings Have Played a Role in General Ideological Shift

After some in-depth discussion during class, I have concluded that my paradigm shift will focus on the shift in political ideology due to a sharp increase in mass shootings.  Throughout the past 2 decades, Americans have seen an incredible increase in mass shootings, primarily starting with the Columbine shooting in 1999 up until the Parkland shooting in Florida this past February, with plenty of other tragedies in between with equivalent weight.  These mass shootings have caused many politicians to float towards changing gun laws.  The 2nd Amendment states that citizens have the right to bear arms, but when hundreds of lives are being lost due to shootings, does the government have to step in and regulate this right?

Prior to the shift, many people were very pro-2nd Amendment.  There were a lot less restrictions on gun ownership and a lot less paperwork to go through to own one.  Background checks were easy to pass; if you were of the age and didn’t have a criminal record, you were pretty much good to go.  The problem with these background checks is they do not account for family history; they do not ask if there are people in the household that would cause issues if they got their hands on the firearm.  There is also this problem where people can purchase weapons under the radar through unlicensed sellers or a black market.  The columbine shooters got their firearms from their friend who purchased them at a gun show from an unlicensed seller.  There were several rallies following the shooting; people demanded change in Washington.  All the shootings that followed had the same general pattern, except each one after showed increasingly more support.  This change in support shows a significant shift in overall political ideology on gun control.

It’s no doubt that background checks need serious improvement, but that’s not where the issue really lies.  The issue is within the fact that people have access to these underground markets where they can purchase weapons with no background checks whatsoever.  Politicians can do what they can to regulate legal gun purchasing, but there is no legislation that can be passed to decrease illegal gun purchasing.  In fact, if there is a significant increase in background checks and paperwork for legal gun ownership, more people are going to start purchasing guns illegally simply to avoid the hassle of doing it legally.  This puts politicians between a rock and hard place: Do we increase gun control and allow the illegal market to flourish, or do we leave things the way they are, not solving anything?  Regardless of the situation, there has certainly been a significant shift towards increased regulation of guns due to these awful acts of violence.

The Greatest Evil Under Our Constitution

Upon reflecting about what we have been discussing in class for the past couple days, it has dawned on me that there is a general theme to the politics of today’s day and age.  Now, I am not very politically involved, but I do know that there is a significant divide in our country today and it is tearing us apart.  In this blog I will discuss how this divide applies to the situation we have been discussing in class and what it means for the future of our country.

In class, we have mainly talked about a group known as the Proud Boys, a well-known alt-right group known for this tagline: “Western chauvinists who refuse to apologize for creating the modern world.”  The only thing the Proud Boys love more than displaying their conservative views and causing bloodbaths is mudslinging at the left and liberal media.  After some in depth thought to myself, I finally realized that there is one main theme in current politics, regardless of the issue: the widening gap between the left and right.  The biggest thing I’ve noticed is this “I’m right, you’re wrong, and there’s no way you can change my mind” attitude on the political stage, and we see this right here with the Proud Boys.  The Proud Boys are so stubborn in their ways that they feel the need to shame the views of the opposing side.  When it comes to politics, generally no one is wrong—there’s just more than one way to go about solving a problem, and based on your upbringing and morals, people align with one side or the other.  The problem is not that there isn’t common ground, but that no one is willing to find it.  It’s one way or the other, and no in between.  No one wants to compromise because they are so blinded by their polar views that they simply can’t see it being done.

When our founding fathers created this country, it was with the intentions of unification not separation.  The Proud Boys mudslinging at the left, that’s separation; riots in the street during what is supposed to be a “peaceful transfer of power from one party to another,” that’s separation.  There is one quote from John Adams that I wish to leave you with which is more than relevant to today’s current conditions:

“There is nothing I dread So much, as a Division of the Republic into two great Parties, each arranged under its Leader, and concerting Measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble Apprehension is to be dreaded as the greatest political Evil, under our Constitution.”

-John Adams

October 2nd, 1780