Internet Junkies

These aren’t your everyday meth, heroin, or crack junkies. This is the new 21st century form of sweeping addiction that is becoming very devastating. They are “Internet Junkies”. In todays society, addiction to the internet is becoming an increasing problem especially in adolescent children and young adults. These addictions can range from game consoles, to the internet and social media. People are spending hours and hours each day glued to their screens which causes dependence. In return, they are suffering from heightened restlessness, irritability, anger, anxiety, and withdrawal. The author of the article utilizes numerous rhetorical appeals to illustrate the growing addiction to internet and other forms of technology. Through the use of logos the author provides hard evidence that strongly convinces the readers of this new internet addiction. In South Korea alone, roughly one out of every 10 children from ages 10-19, are addicted to the internet. These statistics can be very alarming to the readers and show the true numbers of people addicted to the internet. The problem is very dramatic in countries like China, South Korea, and Japan, but it is quickly spreading to Europe and North America. Also about 16% of 18-25 year olds are involved in compulsive internet use in the United States. These facts prove how serious the internet dependence problem actually is.  The author also uses pathos to strike the emotions of the readers about the internet addiction. People describe the impact of internet addiction on the families, marriages, and children in a very serious manner. With statements like “It’s our family apart” and “I feel like I don’t exist, I can’t get my child to stop.” Statements like these really show how serious of an impact internet addiction is having on families and loved ones. No one wants to see a family go through pain or a mother feeling separated from her child over addiction to the computer. Hopefully this increasing new addiction can be halted before it causes more damage.

5 thoughts on “Internet Junkies

  1. Brian McBride

    I really liked how you compared real drug addiction to internet addiction. This was an interesting appeal that grabbed my attention immediately. I like how you included the statistics because they truly bring your thoughts and the author’s thoughts together.

  2. cpe5047

    Great post topic! I personally find this article very relatable because both my friends and I can find ourselves glued to our phones at times. Hopefully this isn’t a change for the worse in society.

  3. Laura Yohe

    This was a great post! I liked the topic that you choose and explained how it related to us. I liked how you explained the situation in other countries and the different rhetorical techniques that were used.

  4. Eryn Petrakis

    I like how even though you analyzed the article’s rhetorical appeal you incorporated your own attention grabbing initial sentence “These aren’t your everyday meth, heroin, or crack junkies.” Great work!

  5. Cody K

    This was a really interesting blog post. The internet is a large part in today’s world. Doing Homework on the computer all day and reading this blog at 11:30 had me thinking…

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