08: Speech Outline and Essay Introduction

Speech Outline:

  1. Introduction with hook, talk about how Juul appeals to younger audience
    • National Institutes of Health statistic (here or somewhere else?)
  2. Show artifact- Juul Vaporized ad
  3. Visual rhetoric with bright colors
    • Specific ad placement choice
    • Model similarity to Ariana Grande photo
  4. Commonplace of “everyone’s doing it”- want to fit in
  5. Situation where people aren’t yet aware of dangers of vaping- ads not yet banned like cigarette ads
    • Similarity to cigarette ads’ use of visual rhetoric- show comparison photo?
    • Deliberate exclusion of “for adult smokers who want a cigarette alternative” slogan
  6. Closing remarks- find way to have smooth transition

Essay Introduction:

Juul was introduced to the public in 2015, when there wasn’t a lot of knowledge about the effects of vaping on the human body. Because vaping was not yet confirmed to have harmful effects on the body, the e-cigarette company was able to release advertisements in mainstream media. These ads, dubbed the Vaporized campaign, took advantage of this situation and used a variety of rhetorical techniques to encourage viewers to purchase their product, including commonplaces and visual rhetoric. This is incredibly similar to cigarette advertisements put out before the ban on cigarette advertising, which employ similar visual rhetoric alongside the use of ethos and pathos in order to encourage their audience to buy their product.

Author: Tyler Rix

fourdollaremo on almost all social media. i no longer update or check my instagram. ask me about my nintendo switch friend code if you're interested!

2 thoughts on “08: Speech Outline and Essay Introduction”

  1. Your speech outline is really good! Seeing it made me realize that I’ve structured my own speech outline more like an essay- I think a lot of my current outline is going to have to be left on the cutting-room floor.

  2. Great introduction! I think you might want to consider whether, if you’ll be comparing Juul company ads to cigarette ads, you want to include the latter in the “visual rhetoric section”– if you do a visual rhetoric bit and then wait until later to discuss the visual rhetoric in a cigarette advertisement, it might end up being a bit confusing. Other than that, love the outline and I look forward to seeing what you do with it!

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