30: I Discover I Can Be Ambivalent About Pokémon

This week I’m going to be covering an older pokémon game that I didn’t have the chance to experience until I was older, Pokémon Ruby. While the DS Lite had a GBA slot, as a kid I didn’t know that you could put Game Boy games in there and never encountered Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald in, say, a GameStop. This game was something I bought for myself last year, as I was curious to try out the gen 3 games but didn’t want to spend over 100 dollars to get Emerald. While this game wasn’t part of my childhood, I’ve been really enjoying it so far.

FUN RATING: 3/5. This has been a pretty enjoyable game so far, although I have had to do a little grinding in order to continue being successful in pokémon battles. Because I’m playing this game on the DS Lite rather than a Gameboy Advance or Gameboy Advance SP, I don’t have the option to do trading between games (plus I don’t have anyone to trade with as all my friends have those games at home rather than at college). This takes out some options for me that I would have liked to have otherwise (looking at you, Kingdra), but it doesn’t really affect my playthrough too much- I can beat the game without extra pokémon, but I think that it would have been more fun for me if I got to explore all the options typically available for players. There’s some quality of life things missing from the older games, such as limited bag space. This doesn’t really put a damper on things either, but a bunch of smaller things that could be fixed kind of add up to decrease the “fun” rating for me. However, there are fun aspects about the game: the plot is enjoyable, I really like the diving aspect of these games (you have to dive to get to one city), and the safari zone is always enjoyable (you can catch different pokémon by yourself without using pokémon in this area, and it’s super interesting). There are slots in this game that were removed in the remakes, which I’m not very good at. There’s also the roulette wheel, which I’m slightly less terrible at (always go for yellow Wynaut). There’s contests you can do with your pokémon as well, for ribbons to put on your pokémon- there’s a whole community on Reddit for getting every ribbon possible on a pokémon.

EASE RATING: 3/5. This game isn’t super easy, but it isn’t too difficult either. I’d say that for ease, this is a middle-of-the-road game. If you grind your pokémon up enough, you can deal with most threats pretty handily, it’s just a little bit of a time sink. For alternate playstyles like nuzlockes (you can only catch one pokémon per in-game route, the first one that appears, and if a pokémon faints in battle it dies and you can’t use it again), this game is pretty difficult- champion Steven Stone is kind of a wall for these challenges, and the Elite 4 is harder than it typically is when you have to be super careful about planning every move you make. Typically, you have to make a strategy when going for the Elite 4 and champion in this game, or you’re going to have a bad time.

REPLAYABILITY RATING: 2/5. This game is not really designed for replays- there’s no new game plus, and you have to delete your save file in order to restart your game, unlike the newer switch games where you can just use another account to play the game starting from scratch. However, I’m giving this two points because you can replay this game, and have a good time doing it. I would probably wait a little bit after finishing before doing more, because I don’t think this is the kind of game you can instantly restart after finishing- I don’t like it enough to play it over and over again without any breaks.

OVERALL: I think I’d recommend this if you don’t mind paying a decent amount of money for a cartridge in this day and age- with the nostalgia from older games, there’s been a price increase since Covid started. It’s pretty much just as good as any other older pokémon game, despite some quality of life problems that were fixed in gen 4 and onwards. Personally, between the gen 4 games and this one, I would probably choose a gen 4 game instead, but that’s just my preference. It’s an enjoyable game, but I don’t know that it’s better than any of the other games. That said, as a baseline the pokémon games are all pretty good quality, and the game still holds up today.

Author: Tyler Rix

fourdollaremo on almost all social media. i no longer update or check my instagram. ask me about my nintendo switch friend code if you're interested!

4 thoughts on “30: I Discover I Can Be Ambivalent About Pokémon”

  1. I was really into Pokemon Go in 2016, but the games themselves never really caught my attention, especially since I didn’t have a consol that supported them well. Plus, they did get expensive over COVID. But, still iconic!

  2. I used to love the Pokemon games! My brother and I would spend hours arguing over whose turn it was to use the DS until our parents eventually took over and “assigned” it to one of us!

  3. My friend found his DS over break with the remake of this game and he’s been playing nonstop for a week now. The remake has been really fun to watch, so I can’t even imagine the older ones… thank you for sharing!! He agrees with your ratings, too 🙂

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