In the article Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture: Media Education for the 21 st Century I appreciate the focus on 3 issues or challenges with the use of participatory tools. The 3 focus items are Participation gap, Transparency Problem, and the Ethics Challenge. I liked that the rest of the article spent more time diving into these 3 items.
Also, I would love to see Buckingham follow up on his assessment in 2000 that young people lack interest in news and politics. Today, I see young people as having a larger presence in questioning current news and politics as well as stating their opinions.
Which of the new media literacies do you feel would be most easily integrated into your context?
In my current context, participation is the largest concern or requirement for web 2.0 learning. I want to find more ways for students to experience Distributed Cognition (to interact meaningfully with tools that expand mental capacities) and then share the knowledge via Collective Intelligence (the ability to pool knowledge and compare notes with others toward a common goal)
What are ways in which we can think of combining new literacies within formal education?
I think I could adjust my company’s current formal learning by adding a micro-learning tool that has social networking components. I want a tool that has micro learning simulators or videos that can be embedded into the digital work environment and allow users to “like” or “share” or add comments similar to voicethread.
On Scratch, I liked this video of an orca that swam around the page in connection to the position of the mouse orientation . Any attempt I made to adjust it totally screwed up the animation.