STUDENT: Jordan Joubert
Relapse in individuals with food-restricting eating disorders, such as Anorexia Nervosa, (AN) is prevalent post-hospitalization, despite intervention methods being implemented. Similarly, many intervention models centering around AN outside of a hospital setting are centered around family-based intervention models, which, while beneficial, still result in a high relapse rate. The goal of this theoretical framework is to hypothesize a conceptual model regarding an adult individual with AN’s resilience. Specially, conceptualizing if the implementation of a resiliency-based intervention centering around the individual overall improve rates of recovery from AN? Young adult participants of both sexes, 18-24, voluntarily recruited via sign up sheets posted in doctor’s and counselor offices, were given the Connor Davidson Resilience Scale and the Body Image Disturbance Scale to measure levels of body image disturbance and resiliency in a pre-test-post test model involving a resiliency based intervention. The expected results are as follows: First, as resiliency levels increase, rate of relapse will decrease. Second, starting levels of resiliency are expected to be low, but with implementation of the workshop, will increase, and further increase after1 year post-workshop, wherein then the levels will remain constant. Further results will be mentioned in the discussion.
Very good poster. There is just one thing unclear. Who collected the data mentioned? Is that summarizing a study that was done, or did you collect the data yourself (or someone in the research group?)