#3-T Is No-Code Application Development The Next Big Thing?

university libraries undergraduate research award for excellence in information literacyLibrary Literacy Award for Poster

STUDENTS: Parth Patel, Trusha Patel

research poster



In the recent years, the No Code Application Development has been on the rise since it allows almost anyone to create their own content, such as their own websites and apps, with little to no prior knowledge in coding. A no-code framework is a development platform that uses a visual development environment to enable non-technical users to build apps by dragging and dropping application components to develop a complete app. Each platform has its own advantages and disadvantages, and this platform is no exception. One of the best pros about this platform is that it speeds up the process of application development significantly and it requires no prior knowledge of coding. Whereas the biggest concern with this platform is that security issues arise from lack of control since control over the application will be sacrificed when embarking on the no code path. Now the question remains, is the No Code Development the way to the future for application development?

One thought on “#3-T Is No-Code Application Development The Next Big Thing?

  1. If I understand correctly, no-code platform developers code themselves out of a job. Overall good poster. Some of the text, in particular in the diagrams, is hard to read. The poster would visually benefit from a selection of supporting graphics out of those present, and make those graphics bigger. The work cited section would then also be able to appear with bigger font.

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