#13-T Artificial Intelligence

STUDENTS: Alexandra Lee, Taylor Proch

research poster



There are many information security threats and vulnerabilities in artificial intelligence. We will be investigating what the information security threats and vulnerabilities and how they can be controlled in artificial intelligence. These threats and vulnerabilities include hackers being able to hijack these machines, adversaries compromising the machines process of making decisions, and the machines limits when it comes to security management. Our main findings were that these machines might not be as “smart” or as “human like” as we thought. The objective of our research is to show the threats and vulnerabilities in artificial intelligence systems. We also suggest several ways that artificial intelligence threats and vulnerabilities can be controlled. We want to get artificial intelligence working at a “human intelligence” level without having to use human intelligence with artificial intelligence. The goal is to combine them so the artificial intelligence works at the “human” level and can work by itself and not have threats and vulnerabilities.

#12-T City of Scranton Website Improvements

STUDENTS: Cameron Knickerbocker, Niki Patel, Nick Santos

research poster



For our project in IST 440W, we chose to make updates to some of the City of Scranton’s web pages. The first of the updates was for the “Find a Form” page on the website. This page is a portal for accessing relevant city documents and forms for residents and workers in the city. Before the updates we suggested to the City, the page was a table and a list of documents in alphabetical order available for download. Our goal was to simplify the interface and implement user personas to better classify the forms on the page considering “who” was navigating to the page and looking for the form. In addition to this, we also were able to update the organization and utilization of the process maps for the City. We took the raw Viso files of the process maps and used a software solution to organize and manage the process maps. This allows for easy additions or edits to existing processes, along with easy navigation and accessibility when they are needed for training or audit purposes. Overall, we were able to streamline some accessibility issues with the City website and improve accessibility and usability of City resources with updates to the process map management.


#11-T AsianEats

STUDENTS: Gautam Patel, Shivamkumar Patel

research poster



Collaborated with students from the University of Auckland to develop an interactive informative application. The application would inform the users about different type of Chinese, Korean, Japanese Food Recipes, Chinese Zodiac, and Ancient Asian Medicines. We had three main phases gather information, design a prototype and finally develop the final application. We developed the application using Mendix a low code free tool that allows you to develop an highly interactive and effective application. Throughout the project we learned a lot of new things, we developed a good communication skillset because this project was solely based on communication, in Mendix we also discovered many new functionalities that were not previously known and we were the first group to use them. This project had it’s own challenges because we were not working with just one group but five individual groups of five or six members and it got challenging sometimes because we had to wait for responses and some members were not actively participating. Overall this project was a success, we developed a efficient and user friendly app that was well approved by the five groups and their mentors.


#10-T Little Gals and Pals Website

STUDENTS: James Preamble, Paul Marmo, Taylor Proch

research poster



Little Gals and Pals has been a daycare center in the Scranton area for over 25 years. Little Gals and Pals is looking to grow, and the owners believe a website could bring some extra traffic to their business. Paul Marmo, Taylor Proch, and James Preamble have created a website and media for the local daycare. The website was created using the WordPress platform. The students were able to lead the project of website design and showcase their technology and design skills. The website has been designed with soft colors that can be associated with a fun and friendly environment. Posted on the website is a virtual tour that showcases the Little Pals and Gals daycare, which was filmed and edited by the students. Another key aspect of the connection between the website and the daycare is the ‘Meet the Teacher’ webpage located on the website. Both the virtual tour and the ‘Meet the Teacher’ webpage can give a potential parent customer a sense of ease and comfort.

#9-T Are There Still Threats & Vulnerabilities That Need To Be Addressed With 5G?

STUDENTS: Matthew Galka, Paul Marmo

research poster



Are There Still Threats & Vulnerabilities That Need To Be Addressed With 5G?
New technology means new exploits and bugs that can impact consumers and big corporations. Moving forward security teams will need to stay ahead to prevent major complications from occurring. Teams have smoothed out a lot of bugs, but there are still uncertainties. We will investigate the security of 5G, and the major threats that 5G may face and some viable solutions. It introduces incredible new speeds, reduced latency and fresh bandwidth allowing real-time connectivity on completely new scale. 5G is quickly becoming the norm in the business world with great benefits? Threats that are major concern with 5G would be spoofing and jamming of 5G networks.

#8-T AI’s Use in United States’ Security and Domestic Strategies

STUDENTS: Nathan Campbell, Eric Fritz, Ansh Patel

research poster



In cyber security, a single human error can cause millions of dollars’ worth of damage, can endanger lives, and leak essential information. The advent of Artificial Intelligence allows for a reduction in human error. The purpose of this research is so show how Artificial Intelligence has been used to combat cyber-crimes and how United States’ domestic cyber defense policies in the DHS and NSA assist in fighting cyber-crime.

#7-T Does Automation of Operational Technology Have an Impact on a Business’s Information Security Vulnerabilities?

STUDENTS: Niclas Swanson, Ryan Ephault

research poster



Automation is the removal of human interaction in a process that results in a product. When implementing automation, its utility can be dependent on the deployment of adequate security. In this project we explore how the automation of operational technology affects a business’s information security vulnerabilities. In the area of operational technology, we look at the security of both industrial control systems (ICS), and supervisory control and data acquisition systems (SCADA). After examining studies conducted on the number of vulnerabilities present in ICS and SCADA systems, we were able to use the risk assessment ratings provided to see how that might impact a business’s vulnerabilities.

#6-T How can Artificial Intelligence help law enforcement agencies?

STUDENTS: Tirth Patel, Kush Patel

research poster



AI is a brilliant thing for the law enforcement agencies because it helps them with many different things like instantly collect all license plate numbers that come into view, along with the location, date, and time. AI could be helpful if it was integrated in every surveillance car because it figures out where the plate was in the past, decide if the car was at the scene of the crime, recognize the patterns of movement, and also uncover the cars that may be linked to each other. AI can also help the onsite officer to make predictions of what could be happening around the area. For example, officer may enter the location of a convenience store to identify vehicles seen nearby at the time of a robbery. The AI can then look up those plate numbers to find other locations that plate has been captured. Now the question here comes, how could this be helpful to all the law enforcement agencies.

#5-T Lawn and Order

second place silver medalSecond Place in Category #6 – Technology

STUDENTS: William Blaum, Tarangkumar Patel, Jason Wells

research poster



For our project, we will be creating and editing a website for Lawn and Order, a Dunmore-based landscaping company. We will be creating this website using WordPress. The website will include a numerous amount of pages; an about us, a testimonial page, a blog page, a portfolio page and a services page.

The homepage will include an estimate feature where customers can quote an estimate for lawn work. On the homepage, tabs for each part of the website, in addition to the client’s other services and social medias will be included in the form of pictures and testimonials from previous customers.

The about us page will include a summary of the owners, in addition to the history of their company and how their company transformed into what it is today.

The testimonials page will include testimonials from their past clients and jobs to show customers their work and the quality of work they will be receiving.

The blog page will include a comprehensive blog for the owners to communicate with potential customers and advertise their business.

The portfolio page will include a comprehensive gallery of photos of their company; ranging from the owners, to their lawn care work and services.

The services page will include a list of services that their company provides; ranging from snow removal to lawn care and to hardscaping.