#13-H(HA) The Importance of Early Socialization into the Nursing Profession

STUDENT: Logan DeSanto

13 HHA Poster



Early socialization into the nursing profession is important for nursing students to enhance their clinical and cognitive skills, which will prepare their transition into the nursing profession or prepare them for graduate education. Penn State nursing students are not introduced into clinical settings until their sophomore year of education. Clinical experiences have been more limited due to current COVID-19 restrictions. Additionally, there are limited opportunities in home health and hospice settings. Currently, undergraduate nursing curriculum provides minimal exposure to nursing research. During the past few semesters, opportunities were provided to shadow Dr. Michael Evans, who works as a part time nurse for the Visiting Nurses Association (VNA) Home Health and Hospice Agency of Lackawanna County in Olyphant, Pennsylvania. While shadowing Dr. Evans, there were opportunities to practice skills taught in pervious and current nursing courses, such as assessing patients and providing care to a variety of patients in the home setting. As for research, there were opportunities to gain exposure to nursing research and academia skills. This was achieved by writing and editing manuscripts utilizing research methods. Early socialization to the nursing field was experienced throughout this engagement experience. This experience provided insight as to what a nurse does daily, and the factors that contribute to patient care, which allows for readiness for clinical rotations, graduate school, and an eventual career. As for research, a new area of interest in nursing was discovered, which confirmed an interest in graduate school. The Student Engagement Network Innovation Grant funded this engagement experience.

#12-H(HA) Effect of Baby Doll Therapy on Behavior

STUDENT: Angel Hunting

Nursuing poster



Dementia is understood as a decline in memory function, affecting daily life. Behavior outburst are common in this population due to the inability to remember certain tasks. Baby doll therapy is a relatively new research being conducted around the world. This therapy involves a life like doll which helps with the bonding experience with the patient. This therapy is designed to help with behavior outburst and coping mechanisms to allow this population to function in daily life. In nursing home settings, they can demonstrate this task during an activity hour where their caretakers can demonstrate and assist with the care for the baby doll. As research continues, it shows that caring for a baby doll for up to an hour a day will decrease behavior outburst and allow this population to connect with family and friends.

#10-H(HA) Improving Patient Outcomes by Implementing Home Health Nursing Care

STUDENT: Michael J Clark



Home health nursing care is now needed more than ever. Older adults with chronic conditions are growing at staggering rates and hospitals are having a hard time keeping up with the influx of patients. Some of these admissions by older adults with chronic conditions may be prevented by implementing the use of home health care. The goal is to reduce readmission rates while improving patient outcomes. Through the use of home health care, this may be a possibility. Throughout this project, several interventions will be reviewed along with statistical data showing the outcomes.