#32-H(HA) Nurse Abuse and Prevention through Education

STUDENT: Michael Herbinko

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ADVISOR: Khalid Almasloukh


Keywords: Nurse abuse, prevention, education, violence, safety, patient, nurse, hospital, workplace violence, physical abuse, emotional abuse

Abstract: Nurses at healthcare facilities often experience some sort of abuse whether it be emotional, physical, or verbal abuse at some point in their careers. Violence against healthcare staff often goes unreported so the actual number of occurrences is much higher. New hires at healthcare facilities receive orientation training which may or may not include violence control training. If violence control training is determined to be beneficial to nurses, it should be a requirement for all healthcare staff to receive before working. This study looks at whether nurses who receive a form of training that is related to violence control allows them to effectively diffuse potentially violent situations. Research shows that nurses who do undergo training related to workplace violence are better at handling situations that may be harmful.

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