#36-H(ID) Asthma Education Interventions For Children and Adolescents

STUDENT: Morgan Sharff

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ADVISOR: Khalid Almasloukh


Asthma happens to be one of the most common, long-term respiratory diseases amongst children. It is one that affects the lungs airways and can easily be triggered by dissimilar sources. When children have their first diagnosis of asthma it traditionally occurs in their pediatrician’s office or that of a clinic or family doctor setting. In a lot of these cases, a family can be unfamiliar with the disease or disease process or treatments. At this time, the patients and their parents rely solely on the instruction of the physician with medications and may be unaware of the longevity or recurrence of the disease. The main population for this research is children and adolescents. A free hospital asthma education program for patients and their parents compared to those who do not go out an obtain any knowledge about the propre ways to treat asthma. The purpose of this is a nurse driven education program and to ensure compliance of medication use and decrease hospital related asthma incidents in the population. The outcome of these programs is to increase knowledge of asthma triggers, increase of the appropriate use of maintenance medication usage, emergency planning, decrease emergency room visits. In turn, there will be less visits to the emergency department, and ultimately improved overall health of patient population.

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