#7-H(PP) Copper or Hormonal Intrauterine Device: Which Has Fewer Side Effect

gold medalFirst Place in Poster Category – Nursing: Prenatal and Pediatrics

STUDENT: Megan Lucey

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ADVISOR: Khalid Almasloukh

Studies have shown that women have concerns about using hormonal birth control. Many concerns about hormonal birth control are related to side effects. The alternative to hormonal birth control is using nonhormonal methods. A popular nonhormonal contraceptive is the copper intrauterine device (IUD). Both hormonal and nonhormonal birth control methods can have side effects on the user, so it is important to ask which contraceptive method can result in less side effects. This study will compare the copper IUD to hormonal IUD to see which one results in less side effects, specifically less bleeding and discomfort. In order to compare the devices and see which intervention can have less side effects, a literature review will be conducted to find scholarly articles on the subject. This research will conclude which type of IUD results in less bleeding and discomfort side effects, as this information could help to inform women’s decisions regarding which contraceptive method to use. The findings will be significant for nurses because it will help nurses better educate their patients who are using these contraceptive methods.

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