STUDENTS: Ashley Frometa-Vasquez, Eric Fritz, Michael Fedorka, Elliott Pratt
ADVISOR: Dr. Alan Peslak
Jeff White Trucking approached our team looking for an easier way to log daily intake and perform his billing. He was ready to reclaim the time spent entering data, his employee intake, and all the accompanying details, twice using Excel for invoices and reporting for taxes. He wanted a more automated solution, one that involves all of his individual truckers updating him in real-time, the specificities of their intake and carrier. This has led us to present him with multiple solutions: To use Microsoft Access to create switchboards to update his Excel sheets so he doesn’t have to interact with them. Alternatively, doing away with Excel entirely with a specially made app, turning the project predominantly into the creation of a detailed RFQ form, and the aid we provide to Jeff being the ability to turn his often-ambiguous requests into a specific and legible demand for professional programmers.
Keywords: Invoicing, Trucking, RFQ, Excel, Access, Switchboard