STUDENTS: Joseph Jackson, Sean Jacobs, Nick Drago
ADVISOR: Dr. Mizanoor Rahman
The objective is to design, manufacture and evaluate a robotic gripper with a novel sliding mechanism for modular use of grips in the robotic gripper design. In the design, we put different kinds of grips at the end of the arms using a novel sliding mechanism. This way, a robot equipped with the proposed gripper can grab different shaped objects using the different kinds of grips, which adds modularity to gripping. We use SOLIDWORKS for the design, and the 3D printing technology for the manufacturing of the gripper. We evaluate the gripper design based on a comprehensive evaluation scheme. We also evaluate the physical gripper by grabbing different shaped objects using the various kinds of grips on the arms through the application of the sliding mechanism. This design with the sliding mechanism is both simple, yet novel and innovative due to the interchangeable grip head design, which makes the gripping mechanism robust and enhances the scope of its applications. Limitations of the design is identified, and the future extension of the research is presented.