RCL Blog Post 5

  1. I thought that apart from one stumble, I did not appear to lose track of what I was talking about or where I was heading with it. On the one occasion that I did draw a blank, I just started talking and found a way to lead it back into my intended third point of emphasis. I did the entire speech without referring to even a notecard, with the exception of a peek at the opening line of my third paragraph. My voice was confident, and when I was making a major point, my eye contact was solid. My body language gave off confidence and energy.
  2. Firstly, I made the ghastly error of forgetting to state my actual thesis. The structure still came through, and the main message still came across, but my actual thesis statement was somehow forgotten. I also had a tendency to make weak eye contact when I was engaged in the more improvisational portions of my speech (I seemed to look up, absorbed in my thoughts). I certainly talked too quickly, which came at the expense of a superior tone of voice, the ability of my audience to follow along with everything that I was saying, and my ability to emphasize certain points with natural pausing. It sounded more like rambling and less like speaking. My body language appeared to be a little tense, for two reasons. Firstly, I was not expansive enough with my arms. Secondly, my constant pacing made it seem like I was trapped in an invisible cage (I should have moved the entire desk out of my way).
    1. I was not aware of the fact that my words became so muddled and flat; there was less depth, clarity, and flow than I had thought.
    2. I did not realize that my hand gestures were so confined to the area in front of my abdomen; I did not use the space around me.
    3. I was not aware of the fact that I forgot to include my thesis statement in the presentation until after I had concluded it. I was unsure as to whether or not I had; the video concluded that I indeed did not actually say my thesis outright.

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