RCL BLog Post 6

  1. My focus for the paradigm shift is the change in policy position and rhetoric surrounding illegal immigration put forth by the DNC and the GOP from the 15 year period of 2004 to 2019. I will be analyzing policies and platforms spoken and voted for by politicians within the two parties at the national level, as well as a few state and local level examples in states like California and Texas which border Mexico. The story I am exploring is the exponentially growing polarization over this issue among party lines, and how it has changed the nature of deliberation over the issue. Immigration is most definitely a high ranking issue (although Democrats rated it far below other topics, Republicans in polls have named it the most important issue for the 2020 election).
  2. This shift has to be analyzed, because it is not a unilateral shift, but a growing divide. The Left has moved very far from the center very quickly, and the Right has responded by employing increasingly aggressive rhetoric as the two sides dehumanize each other as “racist” or “brainless tools.” Moderates are adrift as a flood of misinformation twists the issue. Immigration is a very important issue to discuss because of its profound impact on the economy and on U.S. culture, which have both become increasingly polarized in recent years as well. Both sides agree that the current system is broken in some way: discovering the most logical, effective, and ethical solution will ensure fair treatment of American workers and immigrants seeking to become American. In order to find and agree upon such a solution, both sides must find stasis so that productive conversation can resume.

One thought on “RCL BLog Post 6

  1. I think you did an excellent job of defining a reasonable framework for your topic and your topic is definitely relevant for today. I would make sure while you are analyzing the polarization, you dig deeper and provide meaningful insights beyond just the division between parties which most people recognize at this point. I like your focus on immigration and I really like your emphasis on achieving stasis or productive discourse as an ultimate goal.

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