RCL Blog Post 8

Paper feedback reflections:


The most helpful feedback that I received was recommendations about restructuring and clarifying my paragraphs surrounding the implications of polarization on political issues like the immigration debate.

I had already done much of the research long before choosing this topic, and the stunning fact for me was that there was actually relative consensus in the very recent past. The speed with which the two Americas has separated should be truly terrifying for anyone with sense, because such a drastic change in so short a time implies that political and social structures are going to be hit by a tidal wave before they even know what is happening. One could argue that the waves have already started to crash onto the shore. I also found it interesting that while virtually everyone agrees on the what, very few have asked why, and therefore nobody is actually addressing the problem.

The one thing that I want my readers to take away more than any other is an understanding of what is really causing the issue. A follow-up is that if something is not done about it, the very idea of America is going to disintegrate in a tragic victory for authoritarians and anarchists the world over.

In writing this paper, I have become better adept at balancing my own argumentation to remain essentially politically neutral while covering a very politically polarized debate in which misinformation completely skews the very idea of neutrality. This paper has (hopefully) trained me to be able to appeal to people across an entire, radicalized political spectrum and demonstrate that the entire debate has been grossly misstated by corrupt and greedy powers. Learning how to call out extremism in an effective but even-handed manner is something sadly lacking in today’s society, and I trust that this paper demonstrates that I possess some capacity in that regard, and that I am actively learning how to improve upon it.

One thought on “RCL Blog Post 8

  1. Solid reflection here. I trust that your research made for a very thorough and well executed paper. The issue of political polarization and America’s inability to move forward because of their staunchly opposing views is an issue that needs to be addressed in order to move forward as a functional society. It is difficult to balance upholding your own opinions, while also considering the intentions and motives of “the other side.” The media has done nothing but fuel this fire in exchange for profit, and the people are buying into this brainwashing. Someone needs to rise above this madness, preferably someone who isn’t mad themselves. But anyways, it seems like you’ve got everything under control, so well done 🙂

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