Brahmacharya and Meditation

The main focus of this blog is on an awkward but important topic, especially for the male population. Brace yourself, brave reader.


Brahmacharya is the Indian word for sexual transmutation, or semen retention. Essentially, it is a practice where men abstain from ejaculation, particularly self-stimulus (masturbation).

Ancient Hindu texts described brahmacharya as standard for the most dedicated warriors and brahmin (priests) seeking internal power and purity.



Legendary fighters Mike Tyson and Muhammad Ali practiced brahmacharya, believing that the aggression and energy build-up led to victory in the ring. Nikola Tesla, the brilliant Serbian-American inventor (who Edison stole most of his work from) said that “celibacy spurs on the brain.” To that claim, one of the greatest scientists and mathematicians in history, Sir Isaac Newton, died virgin. Artists, writers, and musicians have also found sexual transmutation conducive to creative pursuits, including names like Michelangelo, Leo Tolstoy, and Miles Davis.



Following what had been my longest streak yet, I ran a 38-minute 10k by myself last October; I began to feel more energized and aggressive, not to mention more generally interested in doing things. I had occasionally used porn when feeling especially angry or stressed. I quit that habit in the fall, and quit all forms of self-pleasuring on New Year’s Eve.


From sugary and fatty food to pornography and videogames, modern society is filled with high-dopamine rushes that require nearly no work to achieve. Undergoing a “dopamine detox” is vital for anyone seeking more willpower to engage in meaningful, productive work. By abstaining from pornography, the supermajority of males and females who engage in self-pleasuring can get an edge in any competitive pursuit.


Masturbation, particularly to porn, is startlingly addictive. I know numerous peers who have managed to cut their juul addictions, but none who have successfully quit porn. The highly memed “No Nut November” challenge serves as an annual reminder of that.



Spiritual purity is perhaps the most commonly made argument for brahmacharya, one which is consistent across most religions for this topic. Psychologists have found that those who use pornography regularly report lower levels of satisfaction with sex and higher levels of infidelity.

As stated above, an abstention from masturbation quickly leads to a rise in energy levels and aggression, especially for men. I noticed that I became more volatile, but instead of neutering this potential, I began to channel it into more intense exercise, meditation, and writing. 

Exercise converts mental energies into physical development. Meditation is an essential discipline when struggling with dopamine addiction, and it can open new doors for creative output. I enjoy it as a means of reflection, to recollect my thoughts and prepare myself for a new burst of productivity. Finally, meditation supports what I consider to be one of the most important practices for a high-minded, productive life— brahmacharya.


Go forth and conquer!

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