4.M.2 galerieLelong

Based on prior readings in this project, how does the work of Goldsworthy change when presented in a gallery context, as opposed to an outdoor installation? The work of Andy Goldsworthy changes its reception based on context and location. His creations are life sized. The works featured in outdoor installations imply a communion with and deep appreciation for nature and time. When presented in gallery context, the works further emphasize the artists affinity for creating with nature.   References links: Galerie LeLong: Andy Goldsworthy (Links to an external site.) Continue reading 4.M.2 galerieLelong

4.R.2 writingAboutArt

What is the primary point of this reading? The primary point of this reading is to become familiar with drafting reviews of artist exhibitions. What portion (or portions) of the reading is easy to understand? The describing and deconstruction of writing a review is easy to understand. As well as applying the checklist to the example reviews. What portion (or portions) of the reading will need clarification in class? Not applicable. Based on your reading, evaluate the effectiveness of the sample art review for the NGA Rothko exhibition. The second review is the most effective review out of the three. … Continue reading 4.R.2 writingAboutArt

2.W.1 – Module II

Koon’s body of work does not relate to pornography. I do not believe it was created for sexual arousal or pleasure. Koon’s body of work heavily relates to kitsch and mimesis. His work is full of over dramatized themes and mirrors the intimacy he had with his wife. Koons does not court controversy as strategy and “denies any intentional irony in his work.” Critics say his works lacks intelligence, they imply he is an artist who panders to consumerism, mass consumption. According to our book, “Koons openly acknowledges his desire for commercial success.” (What is Art?, pg. 43) Plato would … Continue reading 2.W.1 – Module II

3.M.1 L.Bourgeois Art21 & Semiotics

Based on prior readings in this project, how does the work of Bourgeois seen in this video relate to semiotics and master tropes? “I am not what I am. I am what I do with my hands.” – Louise Bourgeois In this video she created a monument to be featured in a public Chicago park to commemorate Jane Addams. The sculptures are different casts of hands-in-an-embrace, atop a giant cubed boulder. As an artist who works with her hands daily, I find hands to be very intriguing and emotive. (I flash back to a memory of my visit to the … Continue reading 3.M.1 L.Bourgeois Art21 & Semiotics

3.M.2 XavierHufkins

Based on prior readings in this project, how does the work of Bourgeois seen at her gallery representative’s website relate to the master tropes? The work of Louise Bourgeois seen at her gallery representative’s website relates to the master tropes in that she addresses her life using metaphors as a mode of which to represent people and relationships. Our text reads, “She came to see her beloved mother as a deft, patient spider repairing broken threads — the metaphor at the heart of the iconic large-scale spider sculptures for which Bourgeois is best known.” (Why is that Art?, pg. 86) … Continue reading 3.M.2 XavierHufkins

3.M.3 LouiseBourgeois

Based on prior readings in this project, how does the work of Bourgeois relate to the theoretical framework of Expressionism? Cognitivism? Leo Tolstoy’s examination of art includes commentary on artist use of feelings as a way to “infect others”, “An angry or sad author, when successful makes the reader angry or sad”. According to our text, Leo Tolstoy believed the purpose of art “is not to make us smarter, but more humane.” The life work of Louise Bourgeois can be seen in her works represented here. Tolstoys theory of cognitivism in art relates to Bourgeois and her works as the … Continue reading 3.M.3 LouiseBourgeois

3.R.3 masterTropes

What is the primary point of this reading? The primary point of this reading is to become familiar with definition of tropes. I understand tropes to be figures of speech used in extraordinary ways to have rhetorical effect. What portion (or portions) of this reading are easy to understand? The master tropes are metaphor, metonym, synecdoche and irony. Denotation and connotation are orders of signification. What portion (or portions) of this reading requires clarification in class? How to pronounce synecdoche. Give one example of each of the four master tropes for discussion in class. Metaphor: Your brilliant and as radiant … Continue reading 3.R.3 masterTropes

3.R.2 semioticsForArt

What is the primary point of these readings? The primary point of these readings is to become familiar with the literal and visual tools for which to establish meaning. The understanding of meaning is not passive, it is an act of interpretation. What portion (or portions) of the readings are easy to understand? Semiotics and tropes are very easy to understand. They are literal tools from which we gather meaning. What portion (or portions) of the readings will need clarification in class? Not applicable. Based on your reading, provide ONE example we can use for discussion in class of each … Continue reading 3.R.2 semioticsForArt

3.R.1 feelThinkKnow

What is the primary point of this reading? The primary objective of this reading is to understand theories behind why we create art, where its value comes from. What portion (or portions) of the reading is easy to understand? The cognitive theories are easy to engage with and understand. What portion (or portions) of the reading will need clarification in class? Not applicable. Based on your reading, how are the theoretical frameworks of Expressionism and Cognitivism related, and how are they divergent? Expressionism and Cognitivism are similarly related in their respective theoretical frameworks. Expressionist theories posit e-motions of the artist … Continue reading 3.R.1 feelThinkKnow

2.M.3 JeffKoons

  Based on prior readings in this project, how does the work of Koons seen in his website relate to the theoretical framework of Realism? The theoretical framework of Realism includes the quality of an image that a viewer can successfully recognize and interpret simultaneously. According to Plato, realistic artwork imitates life and adds to the definition of truth and beauty. According to Aristotle, realistic artwork has a specific point of view, realistic works engages attention and requires a viewer to interpret. Koons seen in his website relates to this realistic framework in that his works are imitations of his … Continue reading 2.M.3 JeffKoons