For a comprehensive holistic list of health-related resources available to students on and off-campus, please visit:

Counseling and Psychological Services

Location: 501 Student Health Center

Web address:

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) is a confidential resource that provides group and individual counseling, crisis intervention, and psychological and psychiatric evaluations for undergraduate and graduate students as well as prevention and consultation services.

Getting Started: Students interested in starting services should call 814-863-0395 and indicate that they would like to begin services. CAPS will schedule a 10 to 15-minute phone appointment where a clinician will assess the nature and urgency the situation presented. CAPS will then recommend next steps. Next steps may include referral to individual counseling, group counseling, life hacks, or a community provider.

CAPS Chats

CAPS Chat provides informal, drop-in consultation for students with counselors from Penn State Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS). Sessions are free and no appointment is necessary. Students are seen on a first-come, first-served basis and meetings are no longer than 30 minutes.

Concerns may include:

  • Stress or Anxiety
  • Adjusting to college life
  • Family problems
  • Relationship issues
  • Roommate difficulties
  • Academic pressures

CAPS Chat IS for…

  • Discussing specific concerns in a one-on-one environment
  • Learning more about what counseling might be like
  • Understanding how to help a friend
  • Getting mental health questions answered

CAPS Chat IS NOT for…

  • Formal therapy or counseling
  • Crisis services
  • Severe or long-standing concerns

Locations & Times 

Information provided by:

Group Therapy

Therapy groups are a form of psychotherapy, focusing on developing insight and behavior change. Five to eight group members meet with one or two group therapists once per week for 90 minutes throughout the semester. Small groups of students meet and share common concerns, explore personal issues, and learn new skills under the guidance of one or two professional leaders. CAPS offers general therapy groups for all students, groups for particular populations (e.g., graduate students, undergraduate students, men, women, students diagnosed with autism, and other underrepresented populations), and groups for particular concerns (e.g. sexual assault, eating disorders, grief/loss, social anxiety).

A referral to a therapy group or skills clinic needs to be made through a therapist at CAPS. If you have not had a phone screening or an in-person first appointment, those appointments should be scheduled before joining a group. In most cases, an evaluation with the group’s therapist is scheduled prior to join. This evaluation helps to determine whether a group is likely to meet your needs and whether you will fit well with a particular group’s composition.

Information provided by:

Life Hacks

Life Hacks are group sessions designed to help students learn specific skills to manage life stressors and specific situations. Examples include workshops on mindfulness, self-compassion, self-care, and more. ALL sessions are open to Penn State students without an appointment.

Time: 4:00 – 5:00 p.m.

Location: 540 Student Health Center

The schedule of Life Hacks sessions can be found here:

Off-Campus Counseling

CAPS has created a resource that students can use to find a  private mental health care provider within the Penn State community. This link helps students from all Penn State campuses find providers within their network. Use this tool or refer students to this tool to find a long-term provider.

Healthy Eating and Living Support (HEALS)

Penn State Healthy Eating and Living Support (HEALS) is a multidisciplinary program that supports healthy eating and decision-making among students. The HEALS team is comprised of clinicians, dietitians, and mental health professionals who specialize in providing education, resources, and support to students affected by eating disorders.

HEALS helps students overcome disordered eating by providing immediate medical services and counseling as well as offering life-long strategies for maintaining health, harmony, and body-acceptance.

Services offered through HEALS include:

Getting started with HEALS
Students in need of help with disordered eating, weight management, or other body image issues, can get services by contacting University Health Services and requesting an appointment with a case manager or by contacting Counseling and Psychological Services for a phone screening.

Pregnancy Resource Clinic (PRC)

Location: 423 South Pugh Street, State College, PA 16801


The Pregnancy Resource Clinic (PRC) is a non-profit Christian organization that provides free, confidential services to men and women. Services include free:

  • STD/STI testing
  • Pregnancy testing and ultrasound
  • Abortion recovery help – students who have had an abortion and need help grieving and processing this loss can get help through this program
  • Baby Boutique (free diapers, wipes, formula, bottles, blankets, and other baby essentials)

The following services are NOT offered: rape kits and abortion services, referrals or counseling.

University Health Services (UHS)

Location: Student Health Center


University Health Services (UHS) provides outpatient health services. UHS offers medical assistance, pharmacy, lab, imaging, physical therapy, medical records, insurance, and emergency services. Rape kits are not provided through UHS.

Mount Nittany Medical Center

Location:1700 Old Gatesburg Road, State College


Mount Nittany Medical Center provides emergency as well as routine care. Their emergency room provides rape kits.

When dealing with routine care (flu, stomach ache, shots, etc.), it is always good practice to see a practitioner at University Health Services first. If needed, they will refer you to Mount Nittany Medical Center. In case of emergency, however, please visit the Mount Nittany Medical Center’s emergency room.

Gender Equity Center

Location: 204 Boucke Building


Penn State’s Gender Equity Center (GenEq) supports students who have been impacted by sexual violence, relationship violence, stalking, harassment, and other campus climate issues. GenEq staff provide education, advocacy, referrals, and crisis intervention/support counseling. All services are free and confidential.

Health Promotion & Wellness

Location: 001 IM Building


Health Promotion & Wellness seeks to help students achieve a healthy lifestyle through awareness, education, and support around stress management, healthy sleeping habits, sexual health, nutrition, fitness, body image, eating disorders, and cession of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. Students may opt for education on safe drinking and cessation of smoking or vaping for free, if they choose to do so before being sanctioned for an offense on campus. These sessions are designed to help students learn how to manage stress, control cravings and quit or decrease the use of these substances. Self-referrals for alcohol and marijuana can be found here.

A full list of ongoing programs, including the date and location of each event, can be found here.

Students may choose to meet with a Healthworks peer, to learn how to create new skills and healthy behaviors around:

  • Healthy relationships and sexual health
  • Nutrition/healthy eating
  • Physical activity
  • Sleep
  • Stress (relaxation and time management)

Students may sign-up here.

Relaxation Room

Location: 020 IM Building

Time: Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m

The Relaxation Room. features two biofeedback software programs on a desktop computer designed to teach breathing exercises designed to reduce a student’s heart rate and stress level. There is a variety of relaxation, stress reduction, mindfulness, and brain massage audio tracks available. Finally, there are coloring books, a zen sand garden, puzzles, light therapy boxes, and a comfortable space to help students take a break, relax, or study. No appointment necessary.