Multicultural Resources Center (MRC)

Location: 410 Boucke Building


The Multicultural Resource Center (MRC) provides individual counseling and educational services for undergraduate multicultural students. MRC counselors advocate for students in a variety of ways and can help with academic, social and financial skill development. The MRC provides:

    • some tutoring (see program coordinators)
    • some clickers (see program coordinators)
    • guidance around the development of effective study skills and time management

Office of Veterans Programs

Location: 138 Ritenour Building


The Office of Veterans Programs (OVP) aids veterans with veterans’ benefits including benefits certification, mentorship, and general counseling.

Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity

Location: LL011 HUB-Robeson Center


The Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity (CSGD) provides a comprehensive range of education, information, and advocacy services to students, faculty, staff, and alumni. Resources include LGBT+ organizations, gender-neutral housing, and safe on-campus spaces. This office focuses on support.

Gender Equity Center

Location: 204 Boucke Building


Penn State’s Gender Equity Center (GenEq) supports students who have been impacted by sexual violence, relationship violence, stalking, harassment, and other campus climate issues. GenEq staff provides education, advocacy, referrals, and crisis intervention/support counseling. All services are free and confidential; confidential resources will not disclose a person’s identity and any identifying information shared without the person’s permission. Seeking advice from a confidential counselor does not constitute a report to the University or law enforcement.

International Student and Scholar Advising (ISSA)

Location: 402 and 410 Boucke Building

International Student and Scholar Advising (DISSA) provides international students, scholars, and faculty help with advising and immigration services.

  • International students must complete at least 9 in-person credits and at least 12 total credits per semester
  • International MUST get approval to drop below 12 credits before they drop below 12 credits
  • Limitations for dropping below 12 credits exist. If you are working with an international student and they are considering dropping a course, refer them to DISSA and advising immediately.
  • The walk-in advising schedule and form to submit a question are both listed here.

The Paul Robeson Cultural Center

Location: 21 HUB


The Paul Robeson Cultural Center embraces ethnic, racial, cultural, and other diversity of humanity programs designed to aid identity development, social justice initiatives, cultural enrichment, scholarly initiatives, and cultural education programs. Services include a safe space on campus, student organizations, programs, and mentorship.

Pasquerilla Spiritual Center

Location: 111 Pasquerilla Spiritual Center


The Pasquerilla Spiritual Center offers a welcoming, safe, inclusive environment, and aims to promote an environment of appreciation and respect for religious and spiritual diversity. Their website provides a list of places students can worship locally, religious student organizations, events and more.

Penn State Hillel (Gutterman Family Center)

Location:180 S Garner St, State College, PA 16801


Penn State Hillel aims to support the lives of the over 5,000 Jewish students on campus, as well as provide social, cultural and educational opportunities.